Saturday, April 6, 2013


Ah, the weekend. 
And not a damn moment too soon.
            The weather might even cooperate.
The president and the governor didn't totally rape me out of my paycheck this week.
            North Korea hasn't bombed us … yet.
The paper I have due Wednesday is more than half done.
            The same paper probably has to be emailed to the professor by Sunday.
I am too tired to get up from the computer chair to go to bed.
            Cheezits are delicious.
A wildebeest is a gnu, and a gnu is a wildebeest.
            There are only ten more weeks of school before I can escape the construction.
I cannot open my windows at work because of construction dust and fumes.
            I have broken several metatarsal bones.
Toronto Blue Jays have the dopiest looking chin hair styles:
            They look like psychotic Gorton's fishermen.
The wind just gusted and scared the crap out of me.
            Well, not really the crap.
This is a statement by an ignorant news caster:
            "A bullet from a BB gun…"
A friend reports the local news reported someone "killed to death."
            Well, thank goodness for that.
Imagine if he got killed to life?  
            It would be Zombie Mania around here.
And not a damn moment too soon, I might add.
It's the weekend.