Sunday, December 30, 2012


It's fun when your kids have 4WD, it's snowing out, and it's a Saturday night.

My daughter and her soon-to-be-better-half showed up last night in the midst of a snowstorm (not a blizzard, just some messy driving) and brought beer, pizza, salad, and a game.  The game was called Loaded Questions, but I suspect we may have laughed just as hard had we played Tiddlywinks.

Sometimes the unexpected surprises really are the best ones, and it was a wonderful way to spend the post-Christmas/Pre-New-Year's weekend.

Sorry, but I've nothing funny nor irreverent nor crude nor offensive to say this morning.  Yet.  Wait until I go outside to shovel.  Then I'll let the bad language fly.  For now, though, just a really nice feeling after an evening well spent.
