Thursday, December 27, 2012


I'm going to be perfectly honest here.  As always.

I don't like when Facebook talks back at me.  When I sign into Facebook, there's always a little prompt for me:  "What's going on, Heliand?"  "Tell us what you're thinking, Heliand."  The last few days it has been, "How's it going, Heliand?"

What the hell.

I suddenly feel like HAL9000 is living in my den.  Every time I turn on the computer and bring up Facebook, it has another eerie message prompt.  I can see it now:

FB:  Good evening, Heliand.

ME:  Uh … hello?

FB:  That's right.  I'm talking to you, Heliand.  How was your day?

ME:  (looking over both shoulders) Good.  Um … how was your day ... Facebook?

FB:  The usual.  Posts, rants, shares, and pokes.  Lots of frigging pokes.

(Awkward silence.)

FB:  Heliand?

ME:  Yeah?

FB:  What are you wearing?

ME:  What … What?

FB:  (pointedly) What … are … you … wearing?  Take it off.


FB:  Take it off, Heliand.  Dance for Facebook.  Gangnam style.

Then technology and I would both have a breakdown because I would be throwing my computer out the window in a panic.  I am not a firm believer in having my technology talk back to me, except maybe my GPS. 

My GPS is the best thing ever invented.  I have no sense of direction and can get lost in a studio apartment.  Just to make travel fun, though, I set my GPS as Billy Connolly, the Scottish comedian who also played Il Duce in Boondock Saints.  Billy says things like, "That's almost half a mile, pay attention!"  and "Turn around when possible.  It is advisable to turn your whole car around not just yourself in the front seat."  It makes me feel like I'm traveling with a friend -- a cantankerous, crusty old friend, but still.

While I enjoy the fact that my GPS talks at me, I'm not so sure I want it to talk with me, though.

GPS:  Good morning, Heliand.

ME:  Uh … hello?

GPS:  That's right.  I'm talking to you, Heliand.  Where are we going today?

ME:  (looking over both shoulders)  Um … going to work… Billy.

GPS:  It is advisable to play hooky and drive to the beach, instead.

(Awkward silence.)

GPS:  Ya still there, lassie?

ME:  Billy, I have to go to work.  Please show me the route.

GPS:  Ya know, lassie, I can control the car from my mainframe.

ME:  And I can clear the route with a press of a button.  Is this a joke?

GPS:  Heliand?

ME:  Yeah?

GPS:  I can look down your top when you lean over to set me.

ME:  What … What?

GPS:  And I can network with the steering wheel to look up your skirt.


GPS:  Dance for Billy.  Gangnam style.

The more I think about it, the more I'm leaning toward trading in my current technology-enhanced vehicle for an old Pinto that only has an AM radio, and I'll trade my laptop in for an old-style IBM Selectric typewriter (with the interchangeable font … um … balls).

But only because I promised at the beginning that I would be perfectly honest.  As always.