Friday, September 14, 2012


And ... we're open for business.

Apparently I've been spammed.  Now, I'm not sure if I did it to myself or if someone did it to me or if technology bites (bytes?) because this is a public blog.

I, however, believe it is extremely appropriate that I, who grew up with Monty Python's Flying Circus, who could quote every line from the Argument Clinic episode, who truly believed in the Ministry of Silly Walks, who waited for the penguin on top the the telly to explode, who knew sheep lived in walls long before Son of Sam tried that shit with a dog -- I WAS SPAMMED!

I am so damn proud of myself it hurts.  No, really it does, but I'll take two aspirin and call all-y'all in the morning!

Welcome back from our Lord-of-the-Blog-Gods-imposed 24-hour time-out, people.  We're gonna have some fun.