Friday, June 22, 2018


I have finally hit the End of the Year Wall.

I can't move. I can't think.  My red pen is empty, my grades are done, and my classroom is half-packed up and ready for summer.

However, in the mayhem to get everything done and clear my brain of To-Do lists, I haven't been sleeping.  I've been staying up too late and taking my scatterbrain with me to bed.

Today is a day like any other.  I'm overworked and under-rested.  Tonight I decide will be a pizza night. I bring home the pizza, eat a piece, then promptly put my head on the kitchen table.  I'm so tired and the house is so hot. 

About three minutes later I realize that I've fallen into a deep and intense sleep right then and there.  I'm disoriented and sweaty and I need to pack up and put away the remainder of the pizza.

The bad news is that I have seriously hit the wall.  The good news is that my brain is finally relaxed enough to sleep.  Of course, I still have to get up around 5:00 a.m., but at least I won't still be restlessly awaiting sleep when the alarm goes off.