Wednesday, December 27, 2017


I have been eating all of the Christmas goodies. 

They should be called Not-Goodies because they are not good for my weight. No, seriously.  I have eaten so many M&Ms in the last twenty-four hours that I'm surprised I'm not farting colors by now. 

It's bad.  Really, really bad.

I cannot hide the horror anymore, either.  I keep reaching into the cookie tin and grabbing anything my fingers touch.  I convince myself that no one will ever know, but then I see the smattering of powdered sugar dragging across the kitchen table, mocking me with it's tell-all-trail. 

That's right: kitchen table; I am hiding the candy and cookies in plain sight.

I am slightly disgusted and conversely amazed at the amount of sugar I have ingested over the course of one day.  I could reason with myself, rationalize that this only happens once a year, but we all know THIS IS A LIE.  Yup, in a few short months Easter will be here, and, if I know me, I will champion the cause of Lost Chocolate Bunnies as I have championed the cause of Lost Chocolate Clauses this Christmas.

I am not getting fat; I am being altruistic.  I have the candy wrappers to prove it.