Monday, November 27, 2017


I am starting to feel under-the-weather.  Nothing major - just general malaise and feeling rundown.  I plan to go to the Santa parade, something I haven't done in years, but as the morning wears on, my excitement wears off. 

Instead, I stay inside and do laundry while cleaning out more of the spare room, which is now a combination of the music room, my walk-in closet, and Santa's Workshop.  I stop long enough to make some salads for work for this coming week's lunch, enter some grades that I finished last night, and sit comfortably to watch most of the football game.

Still, though, I feel a little off.  My head is a little stuffy, my stomach is a little iffy, and my sneezes could knock a car off an overpass with the crosswinds. 

First, I consider some tea with honey.  Nah.  I look in the fridge and find some orange juice.  Yeah, I should probably get some vitamin C into my system before heading into this long stretch at school leading into winter break.  I reach in to grab the carton of OJ when in my peripheral vision I spot three small but fancy glass bottles.  They are smaller than soda bottles, but they're tall enough to catch my attention. 

Ah, yes; the prosecco I picked up at yesterday's wine tasting.  Perfect.  Nothing like an afternoon mimosa while watching the Patriots filet the Dolphins. Plus, I'm having orange juice, which is where I was headed when this whole thing started.  Patriots win, laundry gets done, and I am starting to feel a little better.  Bring on the next few weeks -- I may be ready.