Sunday, November 5, 2017


Ahhhh, Saturday!  A day when I can do some minutiae that needs to get done.  Yes, some of it is work-related, but nothing that has to get done.  I am soooo looking forward to a well-earned day off!

Until my son brings in his lacrosse equipment from his car.

Apparently, every piece of clothing he has ever owned is in his car.  Okay, maybe not every, but there are a helluva lot of sweatshirts, sweatpants, and enough sports pinnies to outfit his own team.  The stuff smells ... horribly.  Several of the articles of clothing are so sweat-encrusted that they could probably walk into the house out of their own volition.

Suddenly, I am spending Saturday reliving the old days of youth and high school sports as the unpaid limo service.  The aroma of the pinnies reminds me of long car rides from field to field, sometimes with the windows wide open because (until my most recent car purchase) I didn't own a vehicle with a closed trunk.

It only takes three loads to get everything done.  I am displeased to tell my son that his pinnies, regardless of the amount of detergent used along with multiple fabric softener sheets, still have the wafting stench of lacrosse on them.

Four hours later, the laundry is done and folded.  Of course, the kiddo is gone for the next two days with friends and then coaching at at an all-day lacrosse tournament.  At least I know when he arrives home, it will just be the coaching clothes coming through the door.  He cannot possibly have any more clothing in his car -- it's all clean and folded on the den futon.