Sunday, September 28, 2014


I spent all day out in the sun Saturday.  The temperature soared into the 80’s, and there were times when the air felt brutally hot.  It’s supposed to be even hotter Sunday.

I’m not complaining.  No, sir!  As a matter of fact, for Sunday’s encore, I want to get to the beach one last time before fall sets in.  Well, before fall sets in and all the leaves float off the trees.  Fall is here officially already.

If the weather holds out, I might get a beach-walk in, and maybe I’ll even have time to collect rocks for my friend’s garden. 

Maybe I should write a limerick for Sunday, just in case:

Oh, how I wish for hot Sunday
(Without fudge) that day before Monday
Although I’ve been told
That the ocean is cold
The sand and the sea equal fun day

That’s my “Let’s get to the beach” rally poem.  I’ll be thinking about you all while I’m digging my toes into the sand.

Hahahahahaha  I cannot even believe I just typed that with a straight face.  I won’t be thinking about you.  It’s a beach day.  There’s no thinking allowed at the beach. 

Turn up the heat.  I’m ready.

P.S.  My air conditioners are still in.  So there.