Our entire school is working with the concept of precepts, or slogans about really important things. To get the kids thinking, I put up a bunch of precepts on my front board. The last one I write is the precept: Failure is not an option; it's a choice.
I give my students every opportunity to pass my class, to learn, to apply themselves. My students tell me that I am more than fair with their grades, even slightly generous. Yet I still have several cherubs who are not passing for this final term and even failing for the entire year. So I announce to my classes, "Failure is not an option, it's a choice. If you are failing my class it is because you actively choose to do so. You have to work very hard at failing my class since it's more work to lie about not doing the work than it is to actually do it, especially since most of it is done in class with partners. You choose to be lazy, you choose to ignore the work, and you choose to fail."
One of my failing cherubs turns and gives me the death stare when I say this, and this sassy little dynamo dares to give me the Fuck you, bitch, you suck more than my mother does look.
Reflexively I exit teacher mode and slam right into mom mode. "Don't you make that face at me! That face is not going to change your grades. It's YOUR choice for you, not my choice for you." Then I continue on with the lesson about precepts.
But, then again, sometimes these kids need a mom to set them straight, or, at the very least, to be honest with them. When I vacillate between teacher and mom mode, it's not because I don't love these kids. I do it precisely because I DO love these kids.
Well ... I like them. A little bit. Sometimes. Occasionally. On rare occasions. About as much as they do me... most of the time.
Every so often, like today, students will say to me, "You're my favorite teacher," to which I answer, "What's WRONG with you?!" I don't want to be their favorite teacher; I want to be the teacher who makes their brains hurt.
You see, this precept thing works both ways. Failure for me is not an option, either. To be a sucky teacher, I'd have to make that choice, a choice I truly hope I do not make even by accident.
When it comes to education, even when it comes to life: Failure is not an option; it's a choice. I can steer them, I can turn them, I can even kick them proverbially in their behinds, but I cannot go home with them, live in their skins, occupy their brains. I can be an example.
I'll let you know if the kiddos bring me any really good precepts. After all, I'm never done learning; it's all about choosing to keep an open mind.
Tales of Trials and Tribulations ... and Other Disasters
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Friday, May 30, 2014
I'm tired.
Every night it's a crapshoot. Most nights I sleep a little, get up, walk the floors, and sleep a little more. Occasionally I actually sleep for five to six hours at a stretch before randomly waking up. Rarely I will have those sleepless nights where I cannot get comfortable or make my mind shut off.
Then there are those nights of instant shut-eye. These are the nights that sleep hits me so fast, I cannot even remember going to bed. Kind of like what happened last night.
I texted a friend to blow off steam about work, but she texted back that she was at the movies. Don't worry about it, I sent back.
I went about my business and eventually decided to turn in at a reasonably early hour, around 10:30 p.m. I had just gotten comfy when my friend texted me back. She was out of the movies -- did I need a phone call chat?
I started to text her back, had the message all ready to go, and could've sworn I hit send. I assumed I would hear the chirping sound of an incoming text in reply. The next thing I know, it's after 1:00 a.m., and my phone and glasses are both next to me on the bed. Apparently I dozed off ... rather rapidly.
I put the cell phone and my glasses on the bedside table and went back to sleep. When I awoke in the morning to start my day, I remembered the evening phone texts and checked my own cell phone, horrified to discover that I never hit send. The text to my friend was still sitting quietly, waiting for me to actually send it somewhere.
My friend must've thought I'd passed out on the furniture somewhere. One second we're chatting, the next, I'm off to LaLa Land. And here I thought she'd found something better to do than chat with me; No, she was waiting .... and waiting ... and waiting ... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
TGIF, folks. TGIF.
Every night it's a crapshoot. Most nights I sleep a little, get up, walk the floors, and sleep a little more. Occasionally I actually sleep for five to six hours at a stretch before randomly waking up. Rarely I will have those sleepless nights where I cannot get comfortable or make my mind shut off.
Then there are those nights of instant shut-eye. These are the nights that sleep hits me so fast, I cannot even remember going to bed. Kind of like what happened last night.
I texted a friend to blow off steam about work, but she texted back that she was at the movies. Don't worry about it, I sent back.
I went about my business and eventually decided to turn in at a reasonably early hour, around 10:30 p.m. I had just gotten comfy when my friend texted me back. She was out of the movies -- did I need a phone call chat?
I started to text her back, had the message all ready to go, and could've sworn I hit send. I assumed I would hear the chirping sound of an incoming text in reply. The next thing I know, it's after 1:00 a.m., and my phone and glasses are both next to me on the bed. Apparently I dozed off ... rather rapidly.
I put the cell phone and my glasses on the bedside table and went back to sleep. When I awoke in the morning to start my day, I remembered the evening phone texts and checked my own cell phone, horrified to discover that I never hit send. The text to my friend was still sitting quietly, waiting for me to actually send it somewhere.
My friend must've thought I'd passed out on the furniture somewhere. One second we're chatting, the next, I'm off to LaLa Land. And here I thought she'd found something better to do than chat with me; No, she was waiting .... and waiting ... and waiting ... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
TGIF, folks. TGIF.
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Global warming, my ass.
It hasn't risen above 47 degrees all goddamned day. It's the end of May, people, the end of
flipping May, and it's parka weather here in eastern New England. Good thing it stopped raining or else by
midnight it would be snowing.
Oh, please. You
science types are going to try and explain to me how global warming affects
temperatures and creates extremes. First
of all, I've seen snow here in May and temperatures in the 90's in early April,
so zip it. Secondly, our globe has been
warming since the Ice Age. Otherwise,
we'd still be in the Ice Age. Capisce?
Mother Nature is just being an absolute bitch this
year. Snow snow snow followed by cold
cold cold followed by worm poop worm poop worm poop followed by more cold more
cold more cold. Don't even get me
started on these idiot weather forecasters again. Monday's forecast = 80's, sunny, beach day.
Reality = windy, chilly, overcast with showers.
How the hell can you even get it that
This afternoon I have to run an errand with my youngest, who
has not left the house all day long. He
asks me, "Shorts or long pants?"
Dude, it's 45 degrees out,
raining, and we have to walk a few blocks.
Do what you think best, but I'm wearing an Eskimo snowsuit.
Just yesterday the temperatures were in the 80's … mere
miles west of here. Temperature changes
were so severe between the heat and the sudden rain squalls that parts of
Vermont and Western Massachusetts experienced flash floods. Just to the east, though, where I am? Bull-tickey.
Cold, miserable bull tickey.
It has been a shitty year so far. My team at school is being broken up, I keep
getting yelled at for shit I didn't do and for stuff I did do that I am totally
supposed to do, the university I paid tens of thousands of dollars to is
holding my thesis hostage (what for, I've no frigging idea), and several other
stupid-ass things, and Mother Nature has the nerve to put us into a near-freeze
day after day?
No one likes a control freak, especially one who controls
our comfort levels and vacation plans.
I'm starting to think it is not I but rather Mother Nature who is
experiencing menopause.
Snap out of it, Mother Nature! Seriously.
Snap the fuck out of it.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Long weekends suck when they end. Truly.
I have had a rough couple of months finishing up school and with changes
going on at work, and I hit the wall big time over Memorial Day weekend.
I try to do some stuff over the weekend, but the weather
totally blows. Then there is the whole
battle with the crapping inch worms. Friday
night I sleep pretty well. Saturday night
and Sunday night -- I sleep better than I have in a long time. I sleep nine hours each night for two
straight nights.
Then comes Monday night.
Monday night, the eve before returning to work after the extended
holiday weekend.
Monday. Night.
You bastard.
I am certainly tired enough, dozing off while reading a book
and half-watching the hockey game. I
finally get into bed around 10:30, figuring this will be late enough to pull
another decent (but not nine-hour) sleep.
It starts out well enough -- I don't flop around too much. I have the window open, the fan on, and
layers of bedding to kick off or pull on as my body sees fit.
Then 1:30 a.m. arrives, and I awaken, but not for long. Then 3:00 (The Witching Hour) arrives. I trek to the bathroom then back up to bed,
fully expecting to doze off again. So I
wait. And I wait some more. Then I toss, turn, and try to get comfortable. For some reason, my mind is going a mile a minute
about random shit that doesn't matter now, won't matter tomorrow, never will
matter. I will not even remember hours
later what is occupying my brain at this hour.
It takes me until about 4:15 to fall back asleep. At 5:17 a.m., the alarm goes off. I semi-watch the weather report, flick the
channels as if I might actually watch something at 5:30 in the morning, which,
surprisingly, happens more often than I care to admit. By the time I roll downstairs to start my
day, it is 5:45.
Everything seems to be going well, too. I'm not rested like I was over the weekend,
but I've probably slept enough.
Right? Five-plus hours isn't
bad. It's my usual, anyway, and I've
done worse. I once slept nineteen hours
over seven days and lived to tell the convoluted tale. Decades ago I worked third shift and often
went days without real sleep. I raised
three babies through childhood diseases to young-adulthood. Who amongst us has not pulled an all-nighter
or two or three or more under similar conditions?
Then I make the near-fatal mistake. I peer at myself in the mirror.
Being kind to myself, I'll admit that I look like I've gone
a few rounds with a prize fighter. (Being
kind, of course.) My eyes are puffy, the
skin under my lower lids sags bluish-red, and I have hollow marks on my
cheeks. I resemble a cross between a
street brawl reject and someone having a severe allergic reaction.
Maybe I'm allergic to my job. Maybe I'm allergic to my life.
An hour, a shower, and lots of make-up later, I am able to
leave the house and get to work, but most of the day is spent worrying that my
eyeballs might fall out of their sockets and roll under my desk where I cannot
reach them. Not shocking, though, is the
fact that all of my colleagues look the same as I do and share similar tales.
"I couldn't sleep last night…" A common theme in the hallways.
As the students arrive, they, too, complain about being
restless and not sleeping Monday night.
Maybe the Cosmos are off-kilter. Maybe it's the lousy un-pre-summer weather we
are experiencing. Maybe it's general
malaise. Maybe we all really are
allergic to school.
I'll try it again tonight.
I'll attempt to sleep and see how it goes. It may be another night of interruptions and
restless thoughts. Perhaps there's
another wall to hit in my near future.
Either way, just like today, I have to hit the ground running and
pretend I'm functioning, but if you happen to be near my classroom, bring me
some new toothpicks. The ones I have
propping my eyes open right now could use replacing, and I'm too tired to get
up and change them myself.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

I scrub and scratch and finally I get out my ice scraper and
start scraping the shit off my car. I'm
sure I'm scratching the shit out of the paint as well as off of it, but I don't
care anymore. This is getting fucking
ridiculous. And frustrating. This is incredibly fucking frustrating.
I decide to head over to Ace Hardware to get a hose, since
my landlord's hoses are defective, and since I don't want to have to ask them
every time I want to use the water. I also buy a spray nozzle. Surprisingly the store does not have Mr.
Clean Magic Erasers, or anything like them, so I go in search of a clerk.
ME: Do you
have any products that will take worm poop off cars?
Hmmmm…. Maybe. (This provides me
with the first ray of hope I've had since the Great and Disastrous Worm
Invasion started.) Here, try this.
He hands me a Turtle Wax product designed for tar, sap, and
bird shit, especially dried on bird shit.
Just in case, I have another thought, and I walk over to the paint
department where I pick up one more item as the announcement lets me know that
Ace is closing, even though the website claimed they'd be open for another two
I take this Turtle Wax spray home and give it a try. I spray it all over the car then wait a
minute or two. According to the
directions, I am supposed to be able to wipe this shit off (the product and the
worm poop) with a little buffing. That
is, if I survive the stench of the spray.
Here's what I have to say about this: LIES.
The worm poop is still there, some sap is still there, and
I'm just pissed off now and a little high from the fumes. Maybe I used it wrong; maybe I didn't wait
long enough; maybe I used the wrong kind of cloth. I don't know, and I don't care. I hate Turtle Wax now, I hate Ace Hardware, I
hate that clerk, I hate inch worms, and I hate the neighbors for having the
damn trees in the first place.

After getting it all secured, I come into the house and get
onto the Internet. I decide to Google
"How remove worm poop from car" and discover that this really is a
problem. The solutions are simple:
1. Park somewhere
else. (Easy except that there is no
other parking available.)
2. Sue the neighbors
to have the tree taken down. (My
landlords would have to do that.)
3. Use a car cover.
4. One of the
solutions that pops up on the search is my own blog from yesterday… like that's
going to help me or anyone else.
Look, my townhouse is in a great location, and I pay a
decent rent. My neighbors who share the
house are quiet. Renters know what a
rarity it is to have quiet neighbors, and my landlords take decent care of me
for the important things. I really don't
want to move because of inch worm shit.
That's insane. Yet letting my car
become encrusted in worm poop is equally insane. It's like a joke of some kind.
Tomorrow morning, if the bricks hold, I'll leave a few
minutes early, put the bricks on the ledge next to my space, shake the worm
poop off the plastic, fold it up, and shove it into the back of my car for
safe-keeping. For now, anyway, until
those suckers die off, I guess I'm in Anti-Worm Mode with the cars.
PS -- Son found a car wash in a town far away that scrubbed
the worm poop right off his car. There
has to be a solution somewhere, and I'm happy to pay. But if I have to see a bucket full of watery
worm poop again this season, I might just cut those fucking trees down myself.
Monday, May 26, 2014
My car is covered in worm poop. This happens every spring, but this spring
the worm poop is bad. It's
everywhere. It sticks like barnacles on
things like my recycle bin, the front stoop, the concrete patio, and it has
encrusted my car like dried papier mache.
Car washes do not help -- worm poop laughs at things like
spray jets and scrubbers. I have been
pretending that it's not so bad, but today I cannot see out of the windshield
because worm poop is baked onto it, and my once-white car is brown and green.
Time to deal with the worm poop.
I drive my poopy car to a nearby department store to gather
some supplies. I am tempted not to even
lock my car. Who in their right mind
would break into a shit-smeared vehicle?
For that matter, who in their right mind would be seen driving it? (The answer, of course, is that I am not in
my right mind.) I need big sponges, a
scrub brush, and a shitload (to keep with the poop theme) of Mr. Clean Magic
For anyone unfamiliar with Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, they are
the lazy person's answer to multi-purpose cleaning. Just about the only thing they cannot do is
cure cancer. Actually, they may well
cause it since I've no idea what kinds of chemicals are in the little buggahs,
but here's what I do know -- the damn things work.
I debate going through the car wash to remove residual crap
before I get to the real … crap. I
decide I'm too cheap after buying the cleaning supplies (and seventeen shirts
and a white lace push-up bra, but that's obviously a story for another day) to
pay for a car wash, so I head home and search for my water hose that I am quite
certain resides in my basement.
It doesn't.
I ask the landlord's family if I can borrow their hose,
instead. When I go to grab it, I
discover a huge hole (more like a complete severing) in the line. The oldest son smirks and admits that he ran
over it with the weed whacker. The dad
lends me the hose he uses for work, which also has a hole in it, but I have
enough duct tape to patch it. After
hooking the hose up to the spigot on my side of the main house, I turn the
handle expecting it to work.
It doesn't.
I drag the big-ass industrial hose to the front and other
side of the main house to the water spigot that I know works because the
neighborhood kiddos filled water guns from it the other day and chased me out
of my car and to my front door when I came home from work. The hose no longer reaches my car now that
I've relocated to this other spigot, so I have to move the car down the
driveway and into the sun. Now, this is
probably where I should park it to avoid the trees where the worms reside that
are pooping on my car in the first place, but I'm lazy, and the extra
twenty-foot walk seems like more trouble than it's worth. Besides, I have to fit multiple cars in my
I go through five Mr. Clean Magic Erasers and spend two
straight hours scrubbing the pollen and worm poop off of my car, and this is
after rinsing it off with my finger securely over the hose nozzle to create an
old-fashioned power washer. I scrub
scrub scrub then I scrape scrape scrape with my fingernails any lingering
mini-dingleberries, then I brush brush brush what I can, then I scrub scrub
scrub with the Mr. Clean Magic Erasers again.
When I'm done, the standing greenish water areas of my car
have baked back on again because I had to move my car into the sun, so I power
rinse the car again and bring out the mild dish soap, warm water, and big
sponge I bought. I wash the car as
quickly as I can so that the suds don't bake on, then rinse the whole car off
three times. I expect the car to still
look … well … shitty.
It doesn't.
It almost looks clean and it actually appears to be white
again. I should take a picture of it all
done because after I rinse it off, I back it into its regular spot again and
fully expect it to be coated in worm shit in the morning.
I feel so great after getting the car all done that I break
out the large broom that I use to sweep the driveway and patio. I am going to sweep up all the pollen and
worm poop from the concrete and stone stoop and put out some chairs. I said, I'm going to sweep up this … hey …
what the hell. The concrete is all
permanently stained from the adhesive worm shit that has now ruined my entire
outside area. I expect the crap to just
sweep away and go off into oblivion like nature should when confronted with
urban reality.
It doesn't.
Oh well. I've already
spent two hours scrubbing excrement off of my car. I've no intention of becoming Caterpillar
Cinderella, scrubbing scrubbing scrubbing up the worm poop on my hands and
knees like some washer-woman. I'll just
step on the shit all summer now that it's seared onto the pavement like
miniscule barnacle turds. Really makes
my home sound so inviting doesn't it?
It doesn't.
But, at least my car is clean … for now.
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Look, I have to be honest.
I don't know what to write about for today's blog entry.
I could write about the 45-minute first inning at the Sea Dogs vs. Fisher Cats baseball game.
I could write about stealing french fries off the plate of the person sitting next to me.
I could write about the different events that have happened on this date in history.
I could add to this list some of the bizarre holidays celebrated today.
I could mention that I would like Sunday to be much better than Saturday, weather-wise.
But what I really want to say is that today is the middle day of a long weekend, so today is really like yesterday only better.
Long weekends totally rock.
I don't know what to write about for today's blog entry.
I could write about the 45-minute first inning at the Sea Dogs vs. Fisher Cats baseball game.
I could write about stealing french fries off the plate of the person sitting next to me.
I could write about the different events that have happened on this date in history.
I could add to this list some of the bizarre holidays celebrated today.
I could mention that I would like Sunday to be much better than Saturday, weather-wise.
But what I really want to say is that today is the middle day of a long weekend, so today is really like yesterday only better.
Long weekends totally rock.
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Today, for example, I think it is supposed to be sunny and in the 70's. I trudge through my day believing that the world is having more fun in the sun than I ever will.
At 2:30 when I attempt to leave the building, it is raining, Because I work inside the plywood tomb, I assume (as I always do) that it must be sunny and beautiful outside (and I must be missing out). Today, though, it's chilly, rainy, and downright raw. Worse than the sucky weather comes the knowledge that this is the beginning of a long-weekend.
Thanks, Mother Nature, you bitch. I finally get a chance to go outside, and you have to shit all over it.
I hear Monday is supposed to be nice again. Well, I fooled you, Mother Nature. I don't even have to work on Monday. In your face!
The funny part is that when I finally get windows in my classroom again (or, I should say, when I finally move into a crappy old school for a year that actually does have windows) I bet I'm going to miss this daily game of Weather Peek-a-Boo .... Eh. Probably not.
Here's to the weekend. Let it rain, for all I care -- I get to be away from plywood walls for a few hours. That's really all that matters, anyway.
Friday, May 23, 2014
I'd like to think I've lived half my life. You know, assuming I'm going to make it to 100, right? Okay, mathematically I'm more at the 75% mark, which makes the following observation even more disturbing. By now I figured I pretty much have seen everything. Everything. Yet I am wrong, oh ... so .... wrong.
Today I see a woman cover her head with a white plastic grocery bag so she can go inside the grocery store and shop without getting her hair wet in the rain.
This just seems wrong to me.
It seems wrong to me that she is covering her head with a plastic grocery bag. Its seems even more wrong that the grocery bag belongs to the store into which she is going. This means one of three things:
1. She keeps grocery store bags in her car for just such an occasion;
2. She ran into the store during a rain storm, grabbed the bag, returned to her car, and is now going shopping;
3. She sent someone else in for the bag to cover her head.
None of these options is acceptable as I'm not sure a plastic grocery bag will ever be acceptable head-wear. Does this make me old?
Or does it mean that in 75% of living my life, I've acquired a tiny sense of decorum?
Hmmmmmm. Let me think about this for a while. Quick! Someone hand me a plastic grocery bag so I can gather my thoughts! But make sure it's a white bag from Market Baskets and not a gray-ish one from Hannaford's.
For goodness sake, I have SOME pride.
Today I see a woman cover her head with a white plastic grocery bag so she can go inside the grocery store and shop without getting her hair wet in the rain.
This just seems wrong to me.
It seems wrong to me that she is covering her head with a plastic grocery bag. Its seems even more wrong that the grocery bag belongs to the store into which she is going. This means one of three things:
1. She keeps grocery store bags in her car for just such an occasion;
2. She ran into the store during a rain storm, grabbed the bag, returned to her car, and is now going shopping;
3. She sent someone else in for the bag to cover her head.
None of these options is acceptable as I'm not sure a plastic grocery bag will ever be acceptable head-wear. Does this make me old?
Or does it mean that in 75% of living my life, I've acquired a tiny sense of decorum?
Hmmmmmm. Let me think about this for a while. Quick! Someone hand me a plastic grocery bag so I can gather my thoughts! But make sure it's a white bag from Market Baskets and not a gray-ish one from Hannaford's.
For goodness sake, I have SOME pride.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
during the regular season, and I wanted to wear it during the playoffs, but it disappeared.
I looked everywhere for that damn thing. EVERYWHERE. I tore my house apart four times, tore my car apart twice, searched my desk at school, looked inside every single drawer (clothing, desk, kitchen) in my house, checked every closet, and foraged under furniture. All for naught.
Tonight I decide to finally get to the bag of Christmas gifts that I haven't had a chance to finish sorting through. Once I started my thesis in January, I came home every afternoon and almost always worked straight through from mid-afternoon until midnight. There was no time for things like books, gift cards, and Damnit Dolls. Now that my thesis is somewhere "out there" in the world of the state university, I am slowly recovering enough to start looking at my house again. (If only I'd had the good sense to hire a maid for five months!)
I start rummaging through the bag, which I have tousled through several times while searching for the elusive Bruins wristlet, and discover the wristlet in the bag, hiding amongst legitimate gifts like it belonged there. You don't belong in there, I say out loud, as if the wristlet will now punish itself for eluding me on purpose. It looks back at me and says nothing.
I could blame myself for the collapse of the Boston Bruins during the playoffs. I could claim that they lost because I could not find the wristlet. But, truth be told, the Christmas goody bag sat next to the television. That means the bracelet itself was closer to the telly than I was.
Nope. No significant epiphanies here. No rituals to rework, no songs to be sung, and no wrislets to worry about here.
You want to know why the Bruins lost in the first round of the playoffs?
Because they sucked. That's it; no one can say anything, no excuses can be made, no fingers pointed, and no one person to shoulder the details. The Bruins sucked; they picked a horrible time to hit a slump.
It's all right. I would like to see a Rangers-Blackhawks final ... which means it'll be Montreal and LA. Go, Blackhawks! Go, Rangers! Go wristlet!!!
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
I'm driving southbound on route 495. It's a Tuesday evening at 8:50 p.m. The traffic is light. The weather is clear. All is right with the world.
Until the construction.
For some reason the idiots in charge of the highway department think it's a grand idea to do construction on 2 of the 3 lanes of the highway at dinner time.
People start slamming on brakes. Trucks slide sideways and threaten to jackknife.
Ah, yes. Some asshole's idea of routine maintenance.
On what planet does it make sense to shut down the only road that connects interstate 95 and 93? Whose brilliant retirement plan idea is this?
Look, just have the workers do this overnight. Nobody but random truckers and people with really suck-ass jobs will be using the road after 11 p.m. The workers miss dinner with their families already working second shift. Do this later -- not in the evening when many people are on the roads, stuck in a long line of traffic ... because you decide to have one effing lane open on the highway.
This is why I prefer driving the back roads. I will not make the same mistake the next time I'm trying to get home from Amesbury on a Tuesday evening. I should KNOW that some idiotic construction is taking place. I mean, really. Why would anyone think it makes more sense to travel the highway to get from point A to point B?
Suckers, that's who. Suckers just like me.
Until the construction.
For some reason the idiots in charge of the highway department think it's a grand idea to do construction on 2 of the 3 lanes of the highway at dinner time.
People start slamming on brakes. Trucks slide sideways and threaten to jackknife.
Ah, yes. Some asshole's idea of routine maintenance.
On what planet does it make sense to shut down the only road that connects interstate 95 and 93? Whose brilliant retirement plan idea is this?
Look, just have the workers do this overnight. Nobody but random truckers and people with really suck-ass jobs will be using the road after 11 p.m. The workers miss dinner with their families already working second shift. Do this later -- not in the evening when many people are on the roads, stuck in a long line of traffic ... because you decide to have one effing lane open on the highway.
This is why I prefer driving the back roads. I will not make the same mistake the next time I'm trying to get home from Amesbury on a Tuesday evening. I should KNOW that some idiotic construction is taking place. I mean, really. Why would anyone think it makes more sense to travel the highway to get from point A to point B?
Suckers, that's who. Suckers just like me.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Wow. Just wow. I have no other words. Okay, FIASCO. There. One more word.
The university where I just finished the requirements for a second Master's degree is run like a really bad episode of Keystone Kops. No one seems to know what they're doing, yet they all run around looking professional while running into walls and falling over onto train tracks.
First I had to deal with the Department of Damn You Don't Bother Us We're pretending to Be Busy. I finally managed to get my thesis delivered by hand to the We'll Gladly Take Your Money for a Chance to Ignore You Repeatedly, only to have my thesis sucked into the vortex of the office of We Don't Give a Shit About You Because You're Meaningless to Us. Since delivering the thesis, which already got lost on its way to Oz, I have heard nothing. No-Thing. Not a stinking word though they have my name, email address, second email address, phone number, etc.
This fiasco of a nightmare led the Division of You Disgust Me With Your Grovelling Ways You Dirty Plebian to tell me I could not walk at my own graduation last Thursday without further grovelling and multiple genuflections (and the promise to cut out my own heart on stage with a used up fountain pen while accepting my diploma). So I didn't show up at graduation. It's not that I couldn't spare my heart; I didn't have any empty fountain pens... yes, I have fountain pens. And ink cartridges.
So I emailed the Dean of Dismissiveness, inquiring as to when/if I would ever be receiving the paperwork conferring upon me my Master of Arts degree that the scholars of my undergraduate institution warned me against getting at this other institution due to possible ineptitude. (Kick me. Go ahead. Kick me now.) The Dean of Dismissiveness informed me that she had already contacted the Department of Damn You Don't Bother Us We're pretending to Be Busy, and how dare I darken her computer monitor with such horrible requests as when I might possibly get the paperwork that I need to get a raise at work (ie: my dgeree).
This Dean further demanded that I meet with her face-to-face to discuss the ridiculous issues that possibly led me to believe, after investing several thousands of dollars of my own cash and credit and loans into their school, that they owed me any goddamned thing other than a swift and dismissive boot to my self-esteem.
Look. I'm not a hardass. I did the frigging work. I paid for the courses. I drove to that stinking school over and over and over and put up with constant semester after semester threatening of cancelling the only courses offered in my major. All I want is the goddamned degree. I already got the grades. Just tell me when the frig someone is planning on mailing my f*$#ing degree, already.
So help me and them and all of us, if I have to deal with one more professional idiot at that university, the top of my head is going to blow off and snakes are going to escape and eat up the entire faculty and maybe even the campus bookstore people because they're not too helpful, either.
So there.
And yes, people sitting in the same boat I am, YOU'RE WELCOME. Now, row, damnit, and let's get the hell away from the Titanic before she finishes sinking.
The university where I just finished the requirements for a second Master's degree is run like a really bad episode of Keystone Kops. No one seems to know what they're doing, yet they all run around looking professional while running into walls and falling over onto train tracks.
First I had to deal with the Department of Damn You Don't Bother Us We're pretending to Be Busy. I finally managed to get my thesis delivered by hand to the We'll Gladly Take Your Money for a Chance to Ignore You Repeatedly, only to have my thesis sucked into the vortex of the office of We Don't Give a Shit About You Because You're Meaningless to Us. Since delivering the thesis, which already got lost on its way to Oz, I have heard nothing. No-Thing. Not a stinking word though they have my name, email address, second email address, phone number, etc.
This fiasco of a nightmare led the Division of You Disgust Me With Your Grovelling Ways You Dirty Plebian to tell me I could not walk at my own graduation last Thursday without further grovelling and multiple genuflections (and the promise to cut out my own heart on stage with a used up fountain pen while accepting my diploma). So I didn't show up at graduation. It's not that I couldn't spare my heart; I didn't have any empty fountain pens... yes, I have fountain pens. And ink cartridges.
So I emailed the Dean of Dismissiveness, inquiring as to when/if I would ever be receiving the paperwork conferring upon me my Master of Arts degree that the scholars of my undergraduate institution warned me against getting at this other institution due to possible ineptitude. (Kick me. Go ahead. Kick me now.) The Dean of Dismissiveness informed me that she had already contacted the Department of Damn You Don't Bother Us We're pretending to Be Busy, and how dare I darken her computer monitor with such horrible requests as when I might possibly get the paperwork that I need to get a raise at work (ie: my dgeree).
This Dean further demanded that I meet with her face-to-face to discuss the ridiculous issues that possibly led me to believe, after investing several thousands of dollars of my own cash and credit and loans into their school, that they owed me any goddamned thing other than a swift and dismissive boot to my self-esteem.
Look. I'm not a hardass. I did the frigging work. I paid for the courses. I drove to that stinking school over and over and over and put up with constant semester after semester threatening of cancelling the only courses offered in my major. All I want is the goddamned degree. I already got the grades. Just tell me when the frig someone is planning on mailing my f*$#ing degree, already.
So help me and them and all of us, if I have to deal with one more professional idiot at that university, the top of my head is going to blow off and snakes are going to escape and eat up the entire faculty and maybe even the campus bookstore people because they're not too helpful, either.
So there.
And yes, people sitting in the same boat I am, YOU'RE WELCOME. Now, row, damnit, and let's get the hell away from the Titanic before she finishes sinking.
Monday, May 19, 2014
Sunday I knew I could sleep late. I knew it as sure as I knew the Rangers were going to beat the tar out of the Montreal Canadiens in game 1. Could sleep late. Could, being the operative word.
You have to understand that after a bone-chilling winter and a nearly non-existent spring, the weather has suddenly changed. Leaves are on the trees, bulb-flowers are blooming, and the whole world smells like lilacs. Which means, of course, that the birds are out.
During the spring, if I try to go to bed anytime near 3:00 in the morning, which often happens on weekends when I'm up late writing or anytime I have a paper due, the birds keep me awake. They start chirpping and singing and screeching around 3:15 a.m. and continue until about 7:30 a.m. After that the noise falls off considerably as the little bastards have tired themselves out. But between 3:15 and 7:30 a.m., if I'm not wearing earplugs, I'm being serenaded into insanity.
Sunday I go to bed somewhere around 1:00 a.m. (late Saturday night, for those who cannot read clocks), fully and totally expecting to walk the floors a few times but sleep until about 9:00. This plan works perfectly except for one thing: I have the windows open.
I'm not really sure how I can be so stupid to leave the windows open. Maybe it's because the weather combined with my propensity for violent and constant menopausal hot flashes deems open windows to be a necessity. I turn the fan on low to provide extra breezes and also to give me that illusion of white noise. I don't even hear the trains going by anymore, so I figure that unless a whopper of a thunderstorm rolls through, I'm good to sleep for a while.
But one eye pops open at 4:20 a.m. Do I have to pee? Am I too cold? Too hot? Is the fan not working? Did College Boy fall out of bed? Do I need a mini chocolate cupcake that's hiding in the fridge?
None of the above.
It's the birds. The freaking, shrieking birds.
I close one of the windows. I turn the fan up as high as it will go to make it as loud as it will get. I put a pillow over my head. I get up and close the other window and put another pillow over my head. All I can hear is that damn extremely loud, extremely vocal, extremely persistent bird. I decide to stay in bed until 5:00 a.m., and if I'm still awake then, I'll get up. I doze off right before 5:00 and wake up at 6:00 to the sound cutting through the glass like feather-billed diamonds. Pillow over my head, covers pulled up (hot flashes be damned), I manage to doze until about 7:15. At this point I decide that I might as well get the hell up.
The bad news is that these birds and their little babies are so loud and so obnoxious that sleep will elude me for many mornings to come. The good news is that it seems to calm down quite a bit within a few weeks as other animals, equally annoyed by the little chickies, start picking the birdies off like snipers.
Oh well. Staying up late on a Sunday night. It's almost midnight. I'll let you know how well I sleep in the morning... as long as the birds don't start their crap within the next fifteen to twenty minutes. I'm up around 5:00, anyway. Who knows? Maybe I'll stick my head out the window and wake THEIR asses up for a change.
Now THAT would be FUN.
You have to understand that after a bone-chilling winter and a nearly non-existent spring, the weather has suddenly changed. Leaves are on the trees, bulb-flowers are blooming, and the whole world smells like lilacs. Which means, of course, that the birds are out.
During the spring, if I try to go to bed anytime near 3:00 in the morning, which often happens on weekends when I'm up late writing or anytime I have a paper due, the birds keep me awake. They start chirpping and singing and screeching around 3:15 a.m. and continue until about 7:30 a.m. After that the noise falls off considerably as the little bastards have tired themselves out. But between 3:15 and 7:30 a.m., if I'm not wearing earplugs, I'm being serenaded into insanity.
Sunday I go to bed somewhere around 1:00 a.m. (late Saturday night, for those who cannot read clocks), fully and totally expecting to walk the floors a few times but sleep until about 9:00. This plan works perfectly except for one thing: I have the windows open.
I'm not really sure how I can be so stupid to leave the windows open. Maybe it's because the weather combined with my propensity for violent and constant menopausal hot flashes deems open windows to be a necessity. I turn the fan on low to provide extra breezes and also to give me that illusion of white noise. I don't even hear the trains going by anymore, so I figure that unless a whopper of a thunderstorm rolls through, I'm good to sleep for a while.
But one eye pops open at 4:20 a.m. Do I have to pee? Am I too cold? Too hot? Is the fan not working? Did College Boy fall out of bed? Do I need a mini chocolate cupcake that's hiding in the fridge?
None of the above.

It's the birds. The freaking, shrieking birds.
I close one of the windows. I turn the fan up as high as it will go to make it as loud as it will get. I put a pillow over my head. I get up and close the other window and put another pillow over my head. All I can hear is that damn extremely loud, extremely vocal, extremely persistent bird. I decide to stay in bed until 5:00 a.m., and if I'm still awake then, I'll get up. I doze off right before 5:00 and wake up at 6:00 to the sound cutting through the glass like feather-billed diamonds. Pillow over my head, covers pulled up (hot flashes be damned), I manage to doze until about 7:15. At this point I decide that I might as well get the hell up.
The bad news is that these birds and their little babies are so loud and so obnoxious that sleep will elude me for many mornings to come. The good news is that it seems to calm down quite a bit within a few weeks as other animals, equally annoyed by the little chickies, start picking the birdies off like snipers.
Oh well. Staying up late on a Sunday night. It's almost midnight. I'll let you know how well I sleep in the morning... as long as the birds don't start their crap within the next fifteen to twenty minutes. I'm up around 5:00, anyway. Who knows? Maybe I'll stick my head out the window and wake THEIR asses up for a change.
Now THAT would be FUN.
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Sunday is here! (Yay!) I do not need the alarm clock. (Double yay!)
Saturday was spent watching sports and working. Today I hope to make the day's name proud. SUNday. Suuuuunday. Sun. Day.
Only a few more weeks until school is over, and every day is Sunday for a few more weeks after that.
Don't be jealous.
You want to know why teachers need a break over the summer? Because we're all certifiably nuts, we'd have mental meltdowns, and there would be no one left to teach the children.
So, for the sake of children everywhere, YAY! It's Sunday! My brain has another 24 hour reprieve. Bring on the sleep! Sleeping late! Yay.
Saturday was spent watching sports and working. Today I hope to make the day's name proud. SUNday. Suuuuunday. Sun. Day.
Only a few more weeks until school is over, and every day is Sunday for a few more weeks after that.
Don't be jealous.
You want to know why teachers need a break over the summer? Because we're all certifiably nuts, we'd have mental meltdowns, and there would be no one left to teach the children.
So, for the sake of children everywhere, YAY! It's Sunday! My brain has another 24 hour reprieve. Bring on the sleep! Sleeping late! Yay.
Saturday, May 17, 2014
I may be a bit unconventional, and some people may classify me as slightly crazy, but really, I think one of my co-workers takes the cake. No, really. Truly. Without question. I didn't believe it until it happened to me.
I have a co-worker who is in the same room as I am, right there with me, mere feet away, and rather than ask me a question, she emails me.
She emails me..
She is sitting less than three feet from my computer and less than six feet from me, and rather than verbally interact with me, she sends me a goddamned email.
For real? Honestly? That's messed up.
My teammates warned me about it. They said, "She'll send you an email rather than actually speak to you," and I said, "No way, that's freaking stupid..." and then she comes to my class and ... there it is... an email .. sent to me at 2:12 when our class ends at 2:21.
Really? For real? Are you even kidding me right now?
Let me get this straight: I am standing less than a whole human's length away from you, I am breathing the same air as you, we are interacting in the same room together ... and yet ... you email me? Not text, not instant message, but email?
What -- did you want to see how fast it could pop up on my desktop screen, the desktop that your laptop is practically touching while you type? Okay, I have worked for and with a lot of messed up people, but this has to be some kind of trophy-worthy weirdness.
If you have something to say to me or ask me, please do so like a normal person. Just freakin TALK to me. I'm here. I'm in the room with you. I could slap some sense into you if I'd only known you'd needed it.
But email me from a few feet away? Someone tell me this isn't the next generation of stupidity. I might have to give up now.
I have a co-worker who is in the same room as I am, right there with me, mere feet away, and rather than ask me a question, she emails me.
She emails me..
She is sitting less than three feet from my computer and less than six feet from me, and rather than verbally interact with me, she sends me a goddamned email.
For real? Honestly? That's messed up.
My teammates warned me about it. They said, "She'll send you an email rather than actually speak to you," and I said, "No way, that's freaking stupid..." and then she comes to my class and ... there it is... an email .. sent to me at 2:12 when our class ends at 2:21.
Really? For real? Are you even kidding me right now?
Let me get this straight: I am standing less than a whole human's length away from you, I am breathing the same air as you, we are interacting in the same room together ... and yet ... you email me? Not text, not instant message, but email?
If you have something to say to me or ask me, please do so like a normal person. Just freakin TALK to me. I'm here. I'm in the room with you. I could slap some sense into you if I'd only known you'd needed it.
But email me from a few feet away? Someone tell me this isn't the next generation of stupidity. I might have to give up now.
Friday, May 16, 2014
Students say the darnedest things.
Last year a student looked up at me while I was passing back
papers, stopped what he was doing, and said very loudly, too loudly, "I
never noticed that before!"
Um … noticed
what? Your paper? Your grade?
The ceiling?
"You have really long eye lashes!"
I looked around. He
was talking about … me. Creepy.
Last week a student was talking to me face to face and all
of a sudden she stopped mid-sentence and remarked, "Wow, your eyes are
really BLUE."
Um, yes. Yes, they are.
I responded, "Thank goodness, because last week with my
cold, they were red."
Today is even stranger.
One of my students gets out of her seat and starts sniffing around the
room. "Nope, I can only smell it
over HERE!"
Horrified, I figure they are referring to the young men in
the class who have just come from gym and smell a little rank. I keep saying, "I don't smell anything….
I really don't smell anything…"
Then she instructs me to stand in front of the fan. "It's YOU!" she announces to the
entire class.
Oh, my god, me? I smell?!
I took a shower and washed my hair.
How can I smell?
The girl and her table of cohorts take turns coming up to me
and trying to sniff me. Swear to god,
they are like bizarre dogs or something.
Then , if this is even possible, it gets WORSE. The girls start naming different fragrances I
might be wearing:
"Is it Coach? Is
it Macy's? Is it… (and, over the course
of the next few minutes, I hear the name of two dozen high to middle to low-end
fragrances on the market or the stores in which they are sold)."
Now, I usually wear the same fake, imitation body spray, day
in and day out. However, today I
switched it up. I feel like if I don't
tell them, they're just going to keep going with this. I am incredibly embarrassed that I, a
middle-aged-plus teacher. have students sniffing me in the first place and even
more so that it's because the girls recognize the scent but cannot place it.
Finally, I lean over to one of the girls and whisper,
"Victoria Secret."
Her eyes grow wide, and a huge smile breaks across her
face. "I knew it!" she yells
out. "I called it! I know perfumes."
The other girls join in with, "We knew you smelled
different today!"
Say … what? Oh … my …. great … goodness. They know my smell? Holy crap, did I even shower this
morning? I usually shower at night. What do I normally smell like? Do they mean because I changed perfume
today? Do they mean because I actually
smell clean for once? What are they
trying to tell me?
Apparently I have long lashes and blue eyes and I smell, all
of which I never thought unusual until twelve-year-olds became fascinated by
these things. I think I need a perfume
sampler. I'm going to wear different
fragrances every day just to play with them.
It's my "Old Lady" collection, according to my own kids. Imitation Giorgio one day, Victoria Secret
another day. Maybe I'll invest in some
Coco Chanel just to totally blow their minds and senses.
Thanks, students. You really do say the darnedest things.
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Argh. I don't feel like writing anything after watching that pathetic Bruins team lose to the Montreal, the team of arrogant prima donas. So, if you don't mind, I'm going to mosey off and start praying that the New York Rangers can do what we failed to do -- Stop the Canadiens.
I wish I could say that it was a helluva season, but I saw the B's play Montreal at the Garden during the pre-playoff season. It's like they develop some kind of shit-for-brains mentality.
I could sit here all night and comment on the lackluster performance, but I won't. I mean, REALLY gentlemen, you get paid to play a game. Show the f&*% up. It's not rocket science.
Go, Rangers!
I wish I could say that it was a helluva season, but I saw the B's play Montreal at the Garden during the pre-playoff season. It's like they develop some kind of shit-for-brains mentality.
I could sit here all night and comment on the lackluster performance, but I won't. I mean, REALLY gentlemen, you get paid to play a game. Show the f&*% up. It's not rocket science.
Go, Rangers!
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Late last night as I was shutting the lights off and getting
ready for bed, a very large and angry housefly made the fatal mistake of flying
around my house. To be honest, it was
near-fatal for me, as well.
I saw the big bastard buzzing around as I headed to brush my
teeth. I lost sight of it as it zoomed
into the den, and I figured I'd see it on my way back through. I readied the fly swatter at a handy
position, then I flossed, brushed, and fluoride-swished like someone whose
aging teeth might actually be salvageable.
I grabbed the swatter as I passed through the kitchen again,
and I paced around searching. I admit
that I may have whistled a few times and called out, "Here, little fly,
come and get it," but the damn thing ignored me.
I went up to bed, half-hoping that the fly wouldn't careen
up my nose during the night and half-hoping that maybe it would just to make a
good blog story. I fell immediately into
REM sleep, as is my strange biological habit, and awakened about twenty minutes
later from a bizarre nightmare, making my first floor-walk of the night. I moseyed back down to the kitchen, I don't
really know why -- maybe for water or maybe just because -- where I stood
momentarily in the dark trying to decide if I were truly awake or not.
Suddenly a giant BUZZ wracked my left ear. The damn fly dive-bombed me in the dark. I jumped sideways, picked up the swatter that
I had conveniently left handy (just in case), and began flinging the
plastic-wire-rubberized mallet around the air like a madwoman.
I attacked; the fly retreated and charged anew. Suddenly I was slapping at my calves, my
thighs, my waist, my head with the implement of fly destruction. I wasn't swatting the fly; I was swatting the
crap out of myself, all the while jumping around and making karate noise: "Eeeee-YAH! WAAAAH!
Chaaaaahwooooooo! HEEEYAHAHHHH!" I thought I was the Ninja warrior, but it was
the fly that was the Ninja warrior, and I was the crazy-ass victim who hadn't
the slightest clue what the hell I had gotten myself into.
I spotted the black demon out of the corner of my right eye
and began flailing wildly with the swatter, hoping to whack the horrible insect
right from mid-air. Swoosh, woooooosh, swoooooooosh…
Each wild arc of my arm completely missing its mark.
But then … there it was, hanging in space near me, close
enough for me to get a glancing blow, and down it went, stunned but not yet
mortally wounded. I pounced. Whackwhackwhackwhackwhack! The injured fly rose up like the Phoenix
and started to fly errantly away. Whackwhackwhackwhackwhack!
The table!
Damnit, the fly was on the table!
I didn't care. I went
in for the kill shot, anyway. Guts
spewed, little legs squirmed, until finally the sonofabitch was dead. A Clorox wipe and some paper towels later, the
evidence was gone. Nothing remained but
the fly swatter and the distant memory of my insect-induced wild Watusi kitchen
I slept fairly soundly for the rest of the night. I'm not sure if I owe that to solving the fly
problem, the exercise of chasing it down, or the thrill of the kill. Thank goodness it went the way it did,
though. The number of times I swatted
myself during the altercation, I'm amazed I didn't fall over and crack my skull
wide open on the counter. Otherwise that
fly would be celebrating over me, and I doubt it would be so kind as to wipe up
with a Clorox sheet when all was said and done.
I'll leave you all with a little philosophical bull-tickey:
The Fly
by William Blake
Little fly
Thy summer's play
My thoughtless hand
Has brushed away.
Am not I
A fly like thee?
Or art not thou
A man like me?
For I dance
And drink and sing,
'Til some blind hand
Shall brush my wing.
If thought is life
And strength and breath,
And the want
Of thought is death,
Then am I
A happy fly,
If I live,
Or if I die?
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
(Yesterday was Limerick Day. Since I missed Limerick Day, I'm going to honor it here today ... since I didn't really miss it because I am writing these limericks yesterday, which really is/was Limerick Day.)
As I sit here and stare at the night,
I wish I had something to write.
It's not of my choosing -
The Bruins are losing,
This game is a terrible sight.
(Wrote that one at the end of the pathetic second period. Yes, I said "pathetic." Sue me.)
I wish that my nose wasn't sneezing
Having this cold isn't pleasing
I hate being sick
These germs I can't kick
One second I'm hot then I'm freezing
(Okay, that one could just mean I'm allergic to menopause. But, really, I am sickly.)
I wish I could recall a caper
But my memory's starting to taper
Trouble I find
'Til I'm out of my mind
And then I commit tales to paper.
(Yes, I even write while I'm driving. Watch out! It's less dangerous than texting, though, because I don't need to see any keys to write notes to myself.)
A teammate and I took a chance
At a pub where we caught a good glance
Of a man with a tear
Near his own derrirer
So my teammate helped staple his pants.
(That really happened. Or maybe it didn't. Depends on if we can get arrested for it or not.)
Last but not least I should say
That my friends truly do make my day.
I laugh and I cry,
Pee my pants, want to sigh,
I love you all much anyway.
(Okay, that's it for bad limericks ... since it's tomorrow already and Limerick Day was yesterday, even though it's now at least for a couple of more hours. Happy tomorrow, today and Happy today tomorrow.
As I sit here and stare at the night,
I wish I had something to write.
It's not of my choosing -
The Bruins are losing,
This game is a terrible sight.
(Wrote that one at the end of the pathetic second period. Yes, I said "pathetic." Sue me.)
I wish that my nose wasn't sneezing
Having this cold isn't pleasing
I hate being sick
These germs I can't kick
One second I'm hot then I'm freezing
(Okay, that one could just mean I'm allergic to menopause. But, really, I am sickly.)
I wish I could recall a caper
But my memory's starting to taper
Trouble I find
'Til I'm out of my mind
And then I commit tales to paper.
(Yes, I even write while I'm driving. Watch out! It's less dangerous than texting, though, because I don't need to see any keys to write notes to myself.)
A teammate and I took a chance
At a pub where we caught a good glance
Of a man with a tear
Near his own derrirer
So my teammate helped staple his pants.
(That really happened. Or maybe it didn't. Depends on if we can get arrested for it or not.)
Last but not least I should say
That my friends truly do make my day.
I laugh and I cry,
Pee my pants, want to sigh,
I love you all much anyway.
(Okay, that's it for bad limericks ... since it's tomorrow already and Limerick Day was yesterday, even though it's now at least for a couple of more hours. Happy tomorrow, today and Happy today tomorrow.
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