Sunday, September 15, 2013


My friend and I decide to go to Orange Leaf this evening.  For those not in-the-know, Orange Leaf is a really good frozen yogurt chain.  We go there after having a sensible dinner, you know, so we can blow our healthy diet all to hell in a cardboard bowl with jimmies on top.  

The fro-yo here is really good, more flavorful than at other chain stores, and this particular shop even blows the doors off its sister stores in the surrounding towns.  We have tried comparison yogurting, and this place is top-notch.

But it could be better.

There should be a frozen yogurt shop that only caters to the +21 club.  Instead of Orange Leaf, it could have a more suggestive name, like Fig Leaf.  This concept does not mean there will be cabana boys there -- it's not that kind shop.  This shop would cater to +21 by using drink-based frozen yogurt.

Imagine the possibilities:

Mudslide (chocolate and coffee with a hint of vanilla + Bailey's and Kahlua)
Pearl Harbor (pineapple and lime + Midori)
Harvey Wallbanger (orange with a hint of vanilla + Cointreau and vodka)
Bloody Mary (pomegranate and vanilla with a dash of hot sauce of your choice + vodka)
Singapore Sling (cherry and lemon + gin and brandy)

There could be high-end wine yogurt, like a rich red pinot noir or a fruity chardonnay flavor.  There could be beer-gurts that run the gamut from light to dark, ale to stout, with fruit and without.

Frozen yogurt is a wonderful treat, but every time I take a Playdoh-like squirt of the fruity stuff from the lever-operated yogurt machines, especially the pineapple or coconut or lime, it just makes me think of Pina Coladas and frozen Margaritas.  Imagine that in an after-dinner treat.  Don't even try to lie -- you're imagining a frozen yogurt Tequila Sunrise combination right now and thinking how nice it would be to start your Sunday morning with a frozen Tequila Sunrise. 

Fro-yo … but better.  And no teeny-boppers pushing their way past you like you're someplace you don't belong.  It would work, too, except you know someone will get greedy and start charging a cover fee and then the college kids with their fake IDs would come in and ruin everything.  Pretty soon you'd be saying, "Oh, let's not bother with Fig Leaf tonight.  Too much hassle.  Let's just get Orange Leaf and call it a night."

Okay, so maybe it's an idea before its time.  But don't tell me I didn't try.

I'm going to grab some strawberry fro-yo now.  I'm feeling a daiquiri coming on.  Pass the rum, kids.  I think it's time for dessert.