Sunday, September 22, 2013


A friend and I take a side trip to Benson's today.  For anyone who grew up in New England, Benson's is not the Wild Animal Farm; that Benson's closed decades ago.  Benson's is the home of some great locally made and sold ice cream.  I haven't had ice cream all summer, so this is a huge treat.

While standing in line to reach the order window, my friend and I gab about what a beautiful day it is -- sunny, breezy, warm.  Perfect day to take a ride.  Behind us, two gentlemen are having the exact same conversation.  We turn around to butt in, you know, like we usually do, and realize they're bikers.  Their motorcycles are parked about ten feet away.

We start talking about the weather and how much nicer their ride must be on motorcycles than ours is in the car.  They tell us they had lunch at Stonehenge in Salem, New Hampshire (also known as Mystery Hill).   After all, today is the equinox.

It is the autumnal equinox, officially about the exact moment we are ordering ice cream for the first time this ... fall.   


My friend and I suddenly realize that we went the entire summer without getting ice cream.  We got frozen yogurt twice, but not ice cream.  I don't know if I've ever gone an entire summer without stopping for ice cream. 

I am crestfallen.

After all, I aim to get a nice late summer ice cream, and it turns into an early fall one, instead.

Oh well.  Maybe to make up for it I'll just have to get ice cream twice this fall.  That should keep the world in balance.

Happy autumnal equinox, people.  Bring on the foliage.