Thursday, May 2, 2013


So ---  We are talking today about this whole PhD thing.  I was this close to being in a PhD program almost two years ago. Yup, if I'd stayed with it, I'd be Dr. Heliand very shortly.  But two weeks before the program started, when they still hadn't made a final decision on my application, I jumped ship.  What's hilarious is that I returned to the program I originally jumped ship from fifteen years before.  I jumped from school A to go to school B, then years later I jumped from school B back to school A.

Yeah, there's something mentally wrong with me.  That should surprise no one.

But back to this PhD thing.  Nobody calls PhD-holders "Doctor" except their snooty colleagues and brown-nosing students.  Oh, and me, because I figure they earned it. 

They're not real doctors.  I mean, they don't save lives in the traditional sense.  But they certainly are capable of finding the precise research materials to help you write a dissertation about whatever your topic may be.

I am now two courses away from starting my capstone project.  Technically, I've already written my first draft capstone; what the hell do you think this blog is?  You are all part of my capstone experience.  However, that just seems too damn easy.  And too damn obvious.  Shouldn't the objective of working with a mentor be to drive that mentor insane?

I certainly think so.

Of course, first I have to trick a professor into actually working with me.

It's all so much fun, too, trying to outsmart the system and trying to find someone who hasn't been stuck working with me already.  I volunteered to be the new-hire professor's pet project.  I don't even care who the new-hire professor is; I just figured it would be baptism under fire having to work with the likes of me.  Several of my classmates have suggested their favorite professors, one going so far as to suggest the professor seek me out because we'd be a good match with writing styles.

Holy crap.  There are more of us nutjobs running around loose out there?  Lock up your children folks; the world's gone to Hell in a hand basket.

Maybe I should've stayed in that PhD program.  Maybe then I wouldn't be in this mess now, and no professors would be running and hiding every time they hear I'm in the building.

I can see it now; my new name plate says: Dr. Heliand, PhD

PhD - Professionally High-falutin' Dumbass

I may not be able to deliver your baby, but, goddamnit, I'll blog the shit out of the blessed event.  

Okay, off to write my research paper.  If I don't get the damn thing done, you people might be stuck with me FOREVER.  Run while you still have time.