Thursday, May 9, 2013


Himalayas means “abode of snow”.  (Hermalayas means "abode that's actually clean.")

The world’s population grows by 100 million each year (which is equivalent to the number of brain cells lost to individual members of Congress within seconds of their election).

Men have more blood than women (which explains why it takes their brains so long to work -- too far too travel).

The slowest growing nail is the thumb’s, the fastest growing nail is the middle finger’s.  (Like this really defies explanation.  Puhhhleeeze.  Of course it does.  It has to look good in traffic.)

Boys are more likely to be left-handed than girls (because girls are more often right).

Two is the lowest possible score to conclude a game of darts (unless said dart goes between your opponent's eyes, in which case running is the lowest possible way to end a game of darts).

Amateur baseball players are called sandlotters (and amateur mermaids are called sealotters … seal + otters … never mind).

The original basket in basketball, as invented by James Naismith in 1891, was a peach basket (but they had to change it when the peach wouldn't bounce).

The first set of ice hockey rules were drawn up in 1865 (and many of the refs who helped draw them up are still calling games, judging on some of their eyesight).

The game Scrabble is found in one out of every three American homes.  (It really should stop hiding.)

It would take a car traveling at 100 mph nearly 30 million years to reach our nearest star. (And it takes the old guy driving in front of me 30 million years to get from ohne block to the next.)

The sun’s warming rays travel 93 million miles to reach Earth (unless you live in New England in the winter, in which case the sun's warming rays never reach Earth).

The deep seas contain as many as 10 million species that have yet to be discovered.  (If they've yet to be discovered, how do they know there are 10 million?)

Halley’s Comet will next appear in 2061.  (I'll be dead by then.  Let's be serious here.)

Lightning bolts can generate up to 200 million volts of electricity (and that's just my heart rate if I get caught in a storm).

Dirty snow melts faster than white snow because it reflects less light.  (Dirty snow melts faster because nobody eats it.  Watch out where the huskies go, and don't you eat that yellow snow.)

The average raindrop falls at fifteen miles per hour (unless you're caught outside in it, in which case it's falling at 70 mph … sideways).  

Bamboo can grow three to four feet in a day.  (Oh, bamboo… I thought it said Manute Bol.) [May he RIP.]

China uses 45 billion chopsticks per year, using 25 million trees to make them.  (They'd go through less if rice could be eaten with forks and frustrated chopsticks users didn't break them whipping them against the walls when rice won't stay on them.)

Pocket calculators first appeared in the 1970′s. (Pockets first appeared in the 1980's, making the pocket calculator obsolete before it even hit the market.)