Tuesday, August 28, 2018


My summer is ending, which is a bit of a shame and a relief all at the same time.  I have been going and going and going like the Energizer Bunny since school let out in late June.  Within hours of leaving my desk for the last time for the school year, I was on a road trip.  When I'm not on road trips, I am having company or tearing my house to shreds.

On my way to my second-to-last road trip for the summer, I tell my son that we will be having a quick and easy dinner.  I buy sandwich meat, potato salad, fresh tomatoes, and bakery sub rolls toasty from the store's oven.  I go home and throw together a caprese salad using basil from my patio garden, and I cook up the last of the bacon to add to our sub sandwiches for dinner.

Everything is all set to go.

I am still packing for my trip, and I've been working at school for six hours, plus I'm trying to get the dishwasher unloaded, the laundry folded, stuff ironed, directions for both ferry locations in case I decide to take one instead of the other, and there are a zillion little things that need to get done before I'm off for a weekend in the northern reaches of New York.

As soon as my son arrives home from work, I start with dinner, pulling out the regular white butter bread.  I proceed to make two perfect club sandwiches on regular bread, serve the caprese salad, and then clean up after dinner.

This is when I turn around to see ... the bag of fresh bakery-made sub rolls sitting untouched on the counter.  Damnit.  I mean, didn't I say we were having SUBS?  Wasn't that the whole point of the exercise?

Now I feel like a moron. Oh, well.  We'll use those sub rolls soon, anyway.

I turn my attention back to the table, clearing away things like balsamic vinaigrette dressing.  As I open the refrigerator, I see a container: Potato salad.  I totally spaced out and forgot to put out the potato salad.

Now I feel like a gigantic stupid idiot moron.

The bad news is that I make sandwiches for dinner instead of subs.  The good news is that I'll be back in two more days, so, with any luck at all, there will still be enough sandwich meat to make REAL subs.