Friday, August 3, 2018


Oh, crap.  I broke my glasses.  I had them right here by the computer, and when I picked them up, KAPOW, just like that, the frame cracked and the lens flew out under the computer desk.


Now I'm going to have to ... go to the basket and get another pair out to use.  Then I'll have to go to Christmas Tree Shop and buy a few more pairs of 2.50 (or maybe they're 2.75) to have on hand.  I have two baskets of glasses here: one basket full of 1.50 for seeing the television, the board at school, and for driving, and one basket full of 2.50 (or higher) for reading and computer work.

I know, I know, and yes, I do have a pair of bifocals somewhere, but I've long-since surpassed the prescription.  Don't judge me.  Okay, you can judge me; that's why I write a blog.  People can judge me all they want.  (Just so you know, without my glasses, I cannot read your commentary anyway.)

This all started when I had foot surgery.  I couldn't keep getting up and going to find my glasses.  For about a week, I couldn't get up at all.  So, I ordered myself a six-pack of glasses.  That way I could strategically place them around the house, downstairs and upstairs, so I didn't have to hobble around to find glasses.

It ballooned from there.

Suddenly I needed glasses in every color to go with different outfits.  Then, my eyesight worsened, and I needed to keep going up and up and up in reading glasses, from 1.50 to 1.75 to 2.00 and then I jumped right to 2.50.  With each progression, I bought more glasses.  At two pairs for $10 and sometimes four for $12 on sale, how could a sane person resist?

Still, though, I broke the pair I kept next to the computer.  This means that now I have to bring in the pair that I keep in the kitchen because another pair stays in my pocketbook (so I can read menus and things like that), and another pair is upstairs next to my bed, and another pair is in the spare bedroom where I am sorting through random old paperwork.  Also, I have a pair or two in the car plus another two pairs at work just for reading.

You don't want to know how many I have for driving (my old 1.50 glasses).  I probably have enough to put glasses on an entire classroom of sight-challenged children.  I also have sunglasses in 1.50 so I can drive with them on.

Yes, even though I have probably thirty pairs of glasses, if I know me I will be back the Christmas Tree Shop getting more.  School will be starting soon again, and now that my black-rimmed reading glasses bit the dust, I'll need some new black-rimmed glasses to replace them.

It's a sickness, I know, but if I lose all of my glasses or if they all break, I suppose that means I cannot officially "see" the problem.  I think this absolves me of any guilt.