Thursday, May 18, 2017


The cellar has recovered from the accidental Mother's Day flood.  Luckily, I've been down this flood plain before, and everything is either off the floor or in plastic bins that can, if necessary, float on their own. 

Today, though, I simply must go into the basement.  First of all, I have to run laundry.  I've been putting it off since the flood debacle, so I turn on the cold water hose just long enough to run two loads of laundry, then I shut it right off.  Lesson learned, folks.  I'm a slow learner, but, once the knowledge sinks in, I'm relatively astute.

The main reason to venture into the cellar is far more dire:  AIR CONDITIONERS.

Last fall I packed up the air conditioners and made sure they were well covered and protected from basement-type elements (like ... oh ... a flood, perhaps).  I have four of air conditioning units -- small air conditioners to place strategically around the not-so-well planned out floor plan.  One goes in the kitchen near the bathroom to keep us from frying when we eat or shower.  One goes in the living room so we can actually use the room that gets way too much sun in the summer.  One goes in my son's bedroom, and one goes in my bedroom. 

It's kind of ironic that just a couple of days ago, we were running the heat off and on.  Honestly, it snowed in Western Massachusetts on Sunday.  But, that's all gone now.  The weather forecast for today?  Muggy, mid-90's.  That's butt-crack-sweat weather, kids.  That's help-me-I'm-melting weather.  That's I-can't-possibly-sleep-in-these-boiling-hot-sheets weather.

So, the air conditioners are up from the basement, and soon to be unwrapped like presents on Christmas morning, only better, because they'll keep on producing joy all bloody summer long.