Monday, May 1, 2017


I don't mind pedestrian lights.  When I'm in Boston or any other big city with tons of traffic, I think pedestrian lights are essential.  However, if I can safely figure out how to cross the street all by myself like a big girl, I don't bother hitting the pedestrian light.  Why on earth would I inconvenience traffic if I can cross without holding anyone up?

Apparently, that's just me, though.  Everyone loves hitting the light.  One thing that aggravates the hell out of me is when someone hits the pedestrian light as they cross the street (without waiting for their own pedestrian light), leaving us all to hesitate for twenty or so seconds because the walker just wants to piss off the drivers.

Then, though, there are the Nervous Nellies, the people who won't cross a car-less street unless there is a crosswalk light blinking.  They could be the only humans on the planet, and still they would not cross without a light and a voice booming, "WALK LIGHT IS ON FOR ALL CROSSINGS..."

Today, we encounter a boy of about thirteen, maybe older, and he is on his bike.  He is wearing bright gold clothing so we can see him, he is wearing a helmet, and he is observing the rules of the road, for the most part, by waiting for the pedestrian-light to cross.  However, there isn't anyone coming.  It's just me, waiting at the light, and the boy with a clear and open egress.

Still, he hits the light and waits.  And waits.  And waits.  Finally, the walk-light comes on, making my red light last even longer.  Bicycle Boy heads across the street in front of my car, and pedals down the sidewalk.  Hmmmm.  Funny how the rules of the road (Don't ride your bike on the sidewalk.) can be broken, after all, huh, kid?

I watch him roll down the way, wait for the green light, and go one block over to my daughter's house.  I am today's DD, so I drop my daughter and her neighbor, then I turn around and head right back out to the street again.  This whole process takes about one minute.

After we wave good-bye, I head back toward the center of town.  Even though no one is coming in any direction, the lights are all red.  I hear the voice from the light mechanism, 'WALK LIGHT IS ON FOR ALL CROSSINGS..."

Damnation.  It's that kid again, and now he's coming back across the same intersection he just sat for an entire two minutes waiting to cross in the first place.  This kid is like a pilot practicing touch-and-go's:  Here's here, then he's gone, then he's back, then he's gone, then he's back...

In general, I'm proud of this young man for wearing a bike helmet and for trying to stick to at least some of the rules of the road.  In particular, though, I am disappointed that this kiddo doesn't have the sense God gave him to cross the road when it's clear of traffic, even if the light doesn't recommend that he does.