Tuesday, May 9, 2017


Come on, Kohl's.  Really? 

Today in the mail I get my intermittent percentage-off coupon card from Kohl's.  I haven't had a thirty percent coupon for a while, and my credit card is paid off.  The corporate office in charge of marketing should be able to track buying habits of its customers and automatically generate the thirty percent coupons to people whose shopping and charging habits follow that pattern.  Maybe throw me a twenty percent, even.

But, christalmighty, a measly fifteen percent?  I won't even use the gas it takes to drive over to Kohl's for fifteen percent.  That's my savings right there, gone with the gas fumes.  Insulting.

Nice try, Kohl's, but I actually passed math in school.  Fifteen percent is about as tempting as having diarrhea -- might eventually make me feel better, but the paltry payoff isn't worth the effort.