Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Today is state testing, also known as MCAS 2.0, the "new and improved" same old shitty test.  It's high stakes testing at its worst, but I'm not supposed to comment on things like that because, hey, I'm a professional.

Anyway, I know I will be walking the room today to make sure the kiddos are all working diligently.  This time around it is math testing.  Two weeks ago it was ELA testing.  Back on ELA days, I ate good breakfasts, and still my stomach grumbled so loudly that students near my desk could hear it.  I decide that I do better on an empty stomach as most days I go without until lunch, and my stomach is perfectly content.

So, today for math testing, I consider two things: non-squeaky shoes (I wear New Balance walking sneakers) and NOT eating breakfast.  This combination works for the first two and a half hours, too, but as we trickle into hour three, I make a fateful miscalculation. 

I start walking the room as I still have a few kids working on the test.  As I get close to the front row of desks, my stomach grumbles, and by "grumbles," I mean it makes a noise so long and so loud that the students near me jump and stare.  My stomach's commentary sounds a bit more like a nasty growl from a large zoo animal than a small appetite noise.

Great.  Just great.  We are supposed to be proctoring the test and making sure that conditions are silent, and I've got the incredible, growling belly.

Oh, well.  Sorry, math teachers.  I distracted your students.  It wasn't intentional.  Maybe tomorrow I'll bring a small but silent snack, just in case.  After all, we still have three hours of testing left to conquer, and that probably should be done on a full stomach.