Saturday, May 20, 2017


My sleeping habits have been lackluster at best these last few weeks.  In the last four nights, I have slept a total of 18 hours, which is roughly 4.5 hours on average a night.  Doing the math doesn't truly justify it, though.  For instance, last night, I barely clocked 3.5 hours total.

I'm used to getting by on less sleep.  For many years, I never slept more than five hours a night, anyway.  Also, one week I totally survived on nineteen hours from Sunday to Saturday.  That was epic considering that I was in school taking classes and raising three kids at the same time.  I'm surprised everyone survived unscathed, including me.

Finally, though, my sheer exhaustion catches up to me.  This afternoon while responding to a text message, I doze off in the middle of typing.  It isn't a huge nap; it's more like one of those momentary reality interruptions.  Either way, I am very lucky to awaken before I hit "send."  My message looks something like this:

"That was a good line of storms last night.  I watched the radar from about jjkawhbl;olkipoijn ,jbaskhbvuhpiu4e908iojk  nbudhco8y09jeidk,."

Yup.  My fingers were resting on and pressing the keys of my cell phone.

I immediately start erasing (backspacing) through the entire text.  This is pathetic.  I mean, I'm no geriatric (yet), and this whole dozing in mid-afternoon causes me to feel about 108 years old.  I have a trivia fundraiser tonight (it's for the children, damnit).  Maybe I'll be able to sleep tonight.

If not, I'll try texting again.  If you receive a text from me that says, "lirjlcdh2ol38e7u083yuoubk," you'll know I finally managed to get some shut-eye.