Sunday, April 3, 2016


Wine Tasting Saturday strikes again.

This week, I drag my daughter and three of her friends with me to the wine tasting.  When we get to the tasting, there are two tables going, so we head over to Table #1 to start with some whites.  I attempt to taste the chardonnays out of order, but the wine steward balks at my faux pas, assuring me that I need to taste the un-oaked before the oaked.  This is probably true, but my thought is to maintain my palate for the chardonnay I know I will like better than the one I know I will not like as much.

My daughter and her friends don't particularly care what order the wines are in, anyway -- they hold out their glasses.  This all works very well until my daughter gets sidetracked with a former coworker.  Instead, the two of them stand off to the side, cavorting and cackling.

Now, don't get me wrong.  I don't deny letting my daughter have some fun, but this is WINE TASTING.  This is serious frigging business.  We drink slowly so she can catch up to us somewhere around the Argentinian malbec.

After we've gone through both tables, my daughter's friends hit the bourbon tasting cart, located next to wine table #2.  This particular shop also has some interesting, specialty liquor, and I want to point out to all of them some of my recent purchases -- the large bottle of Caffe Moka, the smaller bottle of Acqua de Cedro, and the mid-sized bottle of Dorda double chocolate liqueur.  The staff asks us if we are interested in tasting anything in the back room, meaning their specialty liqueurs.  Next thing I know, we are throwing back some mini-shots and buying everything on the shelves because it is all absolutely scrumptious.

Thank goodness my daughter is driving.  She missed some wines at the first table (she avoided the whites) and spent a little bit of time gabbing through the second table.  She is the sensible one, watching us all run around the store like bees, flitting from one favorite wine of liqueur to another.

The best thing about Saturday Wine Tasting is that it happens every Saturday.  I usually go alone and make friends when I'm there, but this time I have my own posse, and, to be honest, they are a very savvy group.  I hope my daughter doesn't mind me appropriating her pals.  After all, Saturday is only six days away.  It's never too early to start planning ahead.