Sunday, April 17, 2016


I sure hope winter is over.

I put out the palm tree plant, so frosts had better be behind us, and by "put out the palm tree," I mean that I drag the container up the stairs and to the patio.

I set up the patio furniture with the intention of finally getting rid of leftover leftovers, but all of the furniture survived the winter with minimal damage.  I rearrange chairs and such on the concrete slab, determined that things will stay where there are but knowing full-well that spring is fickle and winds will blow chairs from their perfect spots.

I roll the grill into place.  It needs gas, but that's okay.  I have a canister; I just haven't changed it yet. I wash down the leaf-stained chairs, dry them off, then take turns sitting in each spot.

Come on, Spring.  We have faith in you, and now our patios have faith in you, too.  Don't let us down!