Monday, December 21, 2015


I'm trying to rewrite the lyrics to My Old Kentucky Home to reflect my sentiments about the recent school play that was censored.  You know the one -- the play in which Linus's important speech about the origins of Christmas is cut completely out of A Charlie Brown Christmas

So, I do a little research and discover a song that has already gone through a required political rewrite for the use of derogatory racial terminology.

Hmmmm.  Seems appropriate now that I rewrite it yet again to include religion as offensive.  Here goes, folks.  Let's sing THIS version at the next Kentucky Derby.  Truthfully, though, what in the hell were you people thinking that a school play with a soliloquy about the birth of Jesus was going to fly? 

Here it is.  Sing it loud and sing it proud.

Oh, PC shines bright in the Old Kentucky Home.
'Tis Christmas, and we're putting on a play.

Sentiments are ripe and the principal's all gloom,
While the students recite lines that they will say.

The young folks roll on the stage and on the floor,
All aren't merry nor happy - they frown.
By 'n by PC police come a-knocking at the door,

From my Old Kentucky Home goes Charlie Brown !
Weep no more, libtards, oh! weep no more today!

Linus kicked out from the Old Kentucky Home,
For My Old Kentucky Home - No Christmas play.