Sunday, December 6, 2015


I almost fall for it.  Truly, I do.

I spend the previous evening canvassing emails and checking out ads and cutting out coupons and strategically planning a day of shopping for Saturday.  After all, the deals end Sunday.  I'm missing out!  I'M MISSING OUT!!!!!

I wake up Saturday a little later than I'd like.  I stumble downstairs, make some tea and oatmeal, and I sit at the table, staring at the coupons neatly organized in a colorful baggie that sticks out of the top of my pocketbook.  I'm going to do it.  I'm going to go out there and mingle with the mayhem.  I'm going to, I swear it!

And then I remember that I have to put together some storage bins (another story for another day), that my son's new gal pal is coming up for the day, and that I promised a friend I would attend her house party.  I also have homework for a class I'm taking, and, to be frank, I haven't showered and I look and probably smell like something that fell off a turnip truck.

I accomplish some things on my to-do list, including spending some time in the upstairs den/office/sewing room that now looks like the remainder of a bomb incident instead of the end result of a full-scale bombing raid.  Currently I am in between events and about to head out to another.  I have since showered, washed and dried my hair, applied deodorant, make-up, and clean clothes, and have almost entered into the human world. 

I even manage a quick trip out to CVS.  I know, right?  Does this count for hitting the stores?  Can I count myself among the masses even though there is zero line at CVS?  I mean, I don't even wait one second.  I walk right up to the counter and am through in no time.  Plus, I have a 20% off coupon that expires Sunday, so I guess my plotting last night really does help.

Oh, and just for the record, my friend's daughter is posting on social media that she is stuck in a long, loooong line at Kohl's in Salem, NH, and that the place is Crazyville and the people are asylum patients gone amok.

I guess I get the better end of all of this -- and I'm proud of myself.  I only fall for it a little bit, 20% or so, and I don't even feel like smacking anyone today.  Progress!  Merry almost-Christmas, kids.