Tuesday, December 8, 2015


The talk around the Boston area is that I behaved badly yesterday.  Yup.  I did, you did .... Hell, just about everybody did.  Remember, I swore at the television and turned away several times from the Patriots' game when it got too painful to watch anymore.  Some of the game attendees audibly booed our own team and even left early so as not to be sitting on route 1 for hours in traffic.

Hey, here's my response:  Fuckyaselves.  Yup.  FUCKYASELVES.  And I say this with love in my heart.

You see, we're not booing some group of little kids or handicapped players or anything like that.  We're not total assholes.  But, folks, these players are professionals.  PROFESSIONALS.  This is their JOB.  When they suck as badly as they did on Sunday, we are entitled to groan, swear, and boo.  I mean, if you buy a burger and it's so badly charred that it is basically inedible, you don't shrug it off and say, "Oh, well, I'll get a better burger next time." 

Professional sports are products and we are the consumers.  Deal with it.  We are entitled to complain where complaints are due.

Take tonight, for example, when the Bruins choke near the end of the third period and I start laughing and say to my TV, "What the fuck, guys.  Really?"  I mean, tickets to the games can run into the hundreds of dollars.  I think for that price I should be able to be a bit of an armchair coach.

For those of you who say we shouldn't be booing our teams, don't call us fair-weather fans.  Saying we cannot boo when a team sucks is the same as saying we cannot cheer when they score.  You're probably a socialist and believe that everybody gets a trophy.  If you're offended that we boo our teams when they blow chunks, then you're a hypocrite and shouldn't bother watching events like the Superbowl.  After all, everyone wins in your world ... right?

I will continue to call-out bad playing just as I call out bad officiating.  You want to know why?  BECAUSE I CAN.  If it offends you, go stick your head up your ... cable modem.