Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Sometimes there are monsters among us.
Sometimes we are bound by laws to keep silent.
Sometimes we protect "innocents" who are anything but.
Sometimes in our zeal to uphold the rights of minors, we become complicit in their crimes.
Sometimes a rotten apple really can be spotted from an early stage of degradation.
Sometimes we are frightened by soulless people around us, and
Sometimes those soulless monsters among us are mistaken for children.

Sometimes my heart is so heavy that if my feet didn't stop it,
Sometimes my heart would slip away beneath me from its own sadness.
Sometimes a jury gets it right.
Sometimes a light shines in the darkness.
Sometimes greater good follows unbearable horror, and
Sometimes heavenly hope follows hellish sorrow.
Sometimes words are not enough to heal, but they're all we have.
Sometimes there are monsters among us.