Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Taking a little break today.  I have been away from my computer and my house for almost 16 straight hours.  I do have to add to the Saturday story, but there are a few things happening Tuesday that are newsworthy, so the rest of that weekend story can just hold its own damn horses. Here's what is so important:

The first is that my friend is getting an entirely new knee.  She should have her new knee by noontime.  I wish her well and remind her that in a few short weeks I fully expect her to be beach-ready.  She can do PT for BT (Physical Therapy for Beach Therapy).  Goodbye, Bad Knee; Hello, Bionic Knee!  (It looks like a knee wearing a metallic bikini!!!!  Sexy knee!!!!!

The second is that SNHU men's lacrosse team opens its season with a game against/at Molloy College in New York at 7 p.m.  I'm not making the trip because I have to work Wednesday at would be doing so on zero sleep after driving all night, and because it's too damn cold.  No, really.  It's going to be something like 5 degrees.  Plus, there's fresh snow in NY.  Then the team goes to Maryland.  There's fresh snow there, too.  Damn teams should have come to us.  We haven't had snow in hours, maybe even days.

So I interrupt our regularly scheduled blog posts to wish BEST OF LUCK to my friend's knee and to my son's team.  Regular blog posts will be back tomorrow!