Monday, December 31, 2018


New Year's Eve

A time to reflect on what losers we are or to believe, most probably fallaciously, how our lives will be different and better 365 days from today.

We'll be thinner, healthier, friendlier, richer, more patient, less angry...


I learned years ago not to put too much stock into New Year's Eve, whether those expectations have to do with the night itself or with the entire year behind or ahead.  That's the kind of pressure that makes people unstable.

Here's what I'd like to promise myself for 2019 --

Spend more time on myself and by myself and for myself.

Travel more - with gusto and with an adventurous spirit.

Embrace family -- even those who don't want to be embraced (tough -- you've been warned).

Call out people who are assholes right to their faces when it happens (not hours later when I'm calmer).  [This one should scare a shitload of people.]

I also have one more promise to myself and to readers that will post on my blog exactly two hours after this one does.  Some of you may have seen it by the time I share this link (and that link) on social media, and some of you don't care ... and that's okay, too.  

2019 is by me, to me, for me, and about me.  Come along for the ride ... or don't.  My care-meter is off when it comes to the masses and their opinions.  If that sounds about right to you, too, I'll toast you tonight, tomorrow, and all year long.  We can check in together on the eve of 2020 and see how far we've come.