Sunday, May 20, 2018


My sister, who is a professional singer and soloist, has a recital.  She and another soloist are raising money for a local charity that provides meals for low-income families.  The recital location is two hours from my house, so I book north through the major Friday afternoon traffic, still wearing my work clothes.

With the aid of my lead driving foot and the 70 mph speed limit in Maine, along with some fancy lane shifts, I make it to the meeting point a mere fifteen minutes later than I hope and fifteen minutes sooner than I anticipate.  In other words, I leave everybody else in the dust once I'm past the giant clog in Massachusetts.

In quick turnaround time, I help my sister get ready by zipping her dress and hooking the top of it closed.  I am redoing my own make-up when I hear her yell that her dress is semi-see-through and she doesn't think she has a short slip.

I am still wearing my school clothes: a printed jumper and leggings.  To prevent static cling, I am wearing a short slip.  I yell back at her to hold on a second or two.  "I can solve that problem!" I call out.

By the time I arrive back in her room, she has found a short slip in one of her drawers.  I know this because she flips the hem of her dress up and shows me.  I respond by flipping the hem of my jumper up to expose the short slip I have on under my static-cling jumper.  After a quick laugh, we pile into her car and head the rest of the way north to her recital.

On our way through the toll, a car to our right decides that it wants our lane (well, the driver makes the decision).  My sister shrieks at the car, "Ohhhhh, noooooooo you don't!"

I turn, look over my shoulder at the car, and sternly announce, "Dude!  We're wearing short slips ... AND WE KNOW HOW TO USE THEM!"  I'm not sure the driver understands the absolute super-power of the slips, but he does back off and yield the lane back to us. 

Perhaps he thinks we are daft, and he wouldn't be far off.  Not many people run around trying to save recitals with slips they are wearing for work.  Perhaps Marvel will come looking for new superheroes and find us.  You never know!  After all, slips are powerful, and we do know how to use them.