Tuesday, May 29, 2018


The long weekend is over.  I did manage to get a bunch of stuff done, although I expected to try and squeeze in a few more chores from my To-Do List.  However, the sun surprised me Saturday morning; I wasn't expecting it at all.  For some reason, I told myself that it was going to be dreary and overcast all weekend.

The lovely burst of sunshine was accompanied by some intensely warm weather, but it wasn't humid yet.  The humidity moved in during the afternoon along with the rain.  So, I mixed up a smoothie with frozen fruit, threw on my bathing suit top and some shorts, grabbed a pair of sandals, and smudged some sunscreen on my nose.  I took a book with me, along with a towel and a sun chair.

For ninety minutes, it was summer.  Gloriously, wonderfully summer.  And then, just like that, it vanished for the rest of the weekend.