Thursday, May 24, 2018


My day today:

1. Teach four classes straight through
2. Work on PD activity for Friday
3. Attend team meeting
4. Leave team meeting to go to Ed Eval meeting
5. Leave Ed Eval meeting to co-plan with teammate
6. Leave co-planning meeting to attend contract voting
7. Finish work and get packed up
8. Rush to make it to mechanic before it's too late to get a sticker on the car.
9. Get a sticker on the car (with ten minutes to spare)
10. Go to grocery store
11. Hit UPS to get my invalid sister's mail
12. Run next door and get beer
13. Get home and start laundry
14. Plan for tomorrow's workday
15. Make something for dinner
16. Fold laundry
17. Wash dishes
18. Iron pants
19. Do more work
20. Do even more work

The funniest thing is that I told someone that today was my "easy day," and that I didn't "have anything to do after work." 

Holy crap.

I'd hate to see a busy day if this is an easy one.