Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Yesterday's blog asked the question "Why do I cook?"  Today I remember why.  Leftovers: Leftovers to eat, and leftovers to use for new meals. 

Just a few days ago, I cooked a turkey and all the trimmings, and I find myself with some leftover turkey that no one seems to be able to consume.  I also have a pre-made pie crust in the freezer, along with half a package of frozen veggies.

Time to make a turkey pot pie.

This doesn't take very long since I don't bother with a recipe.  I throw the turkey and veggies together, add leftover gravy, and season the daylights out of the whole concoction.  I spoon the whole mess into the pie crust, and -- voila -- dinner!

And more leftovers. 

My freezer is filling up slowly but surely with all these meals I cook, even though I'm not very adept at this whole cooking thing, and even though I am surrounded by restaurants that cook a lot better than I ever will.  But, in full disclosure and contrary to yesterday's blog topic, I do cook on occasion, I just prefer when someone else does.