Monday, February 29, 2016


In honor of college lacrosse season starting, I am baking chocolate chip cookies.

Not my famous (infamous?) chocolate chip cookies, though, because I'm not really in lacrosse season anymore.  My youngest graduated last May, so my lacrosse baking is pretty much behind me.

But, still.  It is lacrosse season, after all.

Hiding in the refrigerator is cookie dough.  Ex-Lacrosse Boy comes downstairs, opens the fridge, looks at the package of cookie dough, and turns on the oven.

I know, I know: It's just not the same as true homemade.  I do, however, have to bake them, so technically they are at least home-cooked.  And technically they are for Ex-Lacrosse Boy, who is really Still-Lacrosse Boy because he is playing leagues and coaching.  This means that we are technically in lacrosse season. 

Apparently, we are making lacrosse chocolate chip cookies after all.