Sunday, February 28, 2016


I take wine tasting very seriously.  Very.  Seriously.  As a matter of fact, it's a full-contact sport.

I start off at my usual Saturday wine tasting.  I don't feel any great need to have a wing man; I can find friends wherever I go, and I fly better solo, anyway.  There's a gentleman there with his entourage.  I remember him from a few weeks ago, and we spend the entire time reminiscing about the bad jokes we told last time we were together.

And drinking wine.  Always drinking wine.

Then, later, I go to a grand tasting two miles from my house.  I run into some people from the New Year's Eve Champagne Sword-Opening Extravaganza, and I run into a lot of people I have never met before.  We share all kinds of conversation about the wines, about the tables, about the venue, about fighting our way into tables.

I wait in line for no one.  No one.

I gather a bit of a following as it is obvious that I do not take no for an answer when approaching one of the six tables. Wait to be served?  Ha!  That's for amateurs. I even get back to two tables I already mastered.

Though I have a list of outstanding, relatively inexpensive wines in my possession, I have my eye on the real prize: The peach Bellini mix that I missed out on the last time I was here.  And, I gained a huge list of wines that I really, really like, including a tropical mango Moscato that, at $15 a bottle, is to die for.

Sitting in the parking lot, I make sure I'm sober and can drive, especially since I'm traveling in a major traffic zone.  Yup; I dumped enough, I deferred enough, and I ate enough before I left the house. 

I should probably wear a helmet and shoulder pads next time, though.  When it comes to Grand Tastings, it's all about maneuvering, taking out the other tasters, and making it into the end zone where the wine is.

Full contact.  And I'm damn good at it, if I do say so myself.