Saturday, February 13, 2016


What happens when you go to a meditation class then decide to drink wine afterward?

Oh, you think you know the answer, don't you?


You get home to find out your youngest child is about to go meet people for drinks about 2/10ths of a mile away.

"Wanna go,"'you're asked.

"Hell. yes."

And so one night of relaxation turns into an evening of wine and relaxation the beer and relaxation.  The best part?  I'm on break until 2/22.

Oh, sure, tomorrow I will wake up and it will be way too cold to walk to/from a bar like it was tonight.  Tomorrow the wind chill will suck, and I will have to correct papers and maybe, if I'm really lucky, go to a wine tasting.

But, until then, I have found Zen, and maybe, just maybe, Zen has found me.  In the meantime, I'll be at the bar on Essex Street, searching for the meaning of life.

P.S.  Wear your mittens.  (We're not complete savages.)