Saturday, June 20, 2015


I am sitting outside on my patio after another long week at work.  It's a nice night outside, slight breeze, great temperature - and I start to nod off in my comfy chair.  I nap for a few minutes then decide I should probably abandon the patio before the great mosquito onslaught begins.

I come inside and decide that sitting on the couch is a wicked brilliant idea. Next thing I know, it's pitch black inside and outside, and I am wondering if it's time for work.

Hmmmm, actually, it's just about time for bed.

Once I orient myself, I realize that it's way past a decent dinner hour, all the grocery stores have closed, and it's too late to call anyone for a chat.  I also realize that the air inside the house has changed, and it's pleasantly cool.

Great snoozing weather. 
