Tuesday, June 9, 2015


June 8th – National Best Friends Day, or so social media claims. 

This makes it a very sad day for me because I don’t have a bestie.  To be honest, I am not the type who tolerates a bestie.  All the Cling-On stuff and having to do everything together and pretending to like all the same shit and wearing the same outfits and sharing hairdos and going to concerts that I don’t really want to go to in the first place and then pretending to approve of the people my bestie chooses to date.  Yeah.  I’m long over that.

You see, having a best friend means I have to choose amongst my great and wonderful pals, and I’m simply not willing to do that.  I have work friends, childhood friends, neighbor friends, wine tasting friends, trivia friends, hanging out friends, impulsive go-on-adventure friends, sports friends, school friends, relative friends, friends of relative friends, friends of friend friends, political friends, apolitical friends, singing friends, writing friends, Internet friends, blog friends, book friends …

I have all kinds of categories of friends, and many of those friends fit into multiple slots, which is why they’re the best kinds of friends to have.  But, I don’t have a bestie, and I’m nobody else’s bestie, and that’s okay. 

I wouldn’t be able to choose just one friend, anyway.  Does that make me a bad friend?  Does that make me anti-bestie?  Am I bestie deprived?  Bestie dysfunctional?  Do I need to go on a Best Quest?  Would I be like King Arthur on my quest for that bestie Holy Grail, or am I more of the Black Knight, willing to lose limb and honor to defend my right to have multiple buddies without having to crown one the Holy Pal (or, in some cases, the Holey Pal or even the Wholly Pal)? 

Maybe I’m just really bad at this whole friendship thing.  Maybe I don’t have a bestie because I suck at being a friend.  I have some friends I hardly ever see, but we’re still really good friends, and sometimes these friends even let me win at bowling so I don’t feel worse about myself.  These kinds of friends are great friends, the best of friends.  Sometimes my friends randomly show up at events, like lacrosse games or 5k’s, and even if we haven’t seen each other in decades, it’s like we’ve never lost a beat. These are my best besties.

I guess I cannot participate in National Best Friend Day.  I’m a reasonably decent regular friend, but I totally suck wind as a best friend.  That’s fine with me, because, to be completely honest, June 8th is more than National Best Friend Day – It’s World Oceans Day, and I am very close to the beach and the waves and the salty water and air.  Besides, it’s World Oceans Day.   WORLD.  The entire damn universe’s worth of world.  I think that trumps National anything.

So, to all my besties, I’ll meet you at the beach.  We’ll celebrate like besties should, in the best way, having the best time.  It doesn’t get any better than that.