Monday, October 1, 2018


Finally!  A hot shower ... sort of.

I order an electric camp shower - a weighted waterproof motor that pumps water up through a hose and out a shower head.  It arrives, and I quickly open the box and start tinkering with its parts.  Then, I get the water all set, a LOT of it, nice and steaming.  Finally, I drop the pump into the water and...

Holy shitoley, I have a shower going.

Until, of course, the motor runs out.  To be fair, I only charged it until the light turned green; I didn't give it a chance to really hold any power charge.  I got about two minutes of shower for my trouble, but the big plastic container is so full, and I mean incredibly full, of steaming water, that I am able to finish my shower, hair washing and all, with my usual make-shift routine, only better this time because of my new set up.

Oh, and way better because I do actually get some showering done, just like in the old days, with real and truly hot water.  For a few minutes it seems just like those olden times three weeks ago when I could take a hot shower at my leisure, back before I became an unwilling resident in a Third World Country without hot water or electricity or heat.

I know, I know; quit my griping - it never got that bad.  I have my house, nothing caught on fire, my property wasn't looted, I only lost power for three days, and I saved all the food and cold beer.  But, honestly, you just don't know how much you miss hot water, especially a hot shower, until you don't have it anymore.

If you think I'm griping now, wait until the truly cold weather kicks in and I still don't have heat, but that's another blog for another day.  For now, I smell and feel absolutely fabulous.