Thursday, October 11, 2018


I cannot believe that I fell for this lie without checking it out first:

Someone told me that dishwashers don't actually use hot water; they heat the water up as it enters the dishwasher using a heating element similar to tankless water heaters.  I thought, "Oh, shit, that's probably true since the water is so super-dee-dooper hot!"

So, I rinsed the dishes really well (in case it was a lie) and put them into the dishwasher (just a small load).  I ran the dishwasher and ...

Mudderfudder.  It IS a lie; it's a damn, bold-faced, "I'm an absolute ass" kind of lie.

So, the dishes went through the entire COLD cycle with dish soap, then they went through the heated drying cycle.  They may be clean, but they're not as sanitized as I am used to them being, so I guess it's back to cold water and lots of soap and/or heating up water for the washing part and rinsing in the cold water.

Oh, well.  At least my $5 dish pan set from Wal-Mart is coming in handy.