Monday, July 31, 2017


Today there's a party at the local brewery. 

My daughter and two of her pals come with us.  We will be celebrating the Feast of St. Arnold of Metz, the bishop who famously claimed, "Don't drink water; drink BEER." 

Smart man; obviously, ahead of his time (580 to 640 AD ... or CE, depending on your schooling).

Today the brewery has bratwurst and hotdogs in addition to their regular fare, but we stick to the usual but limited bar foods because, well, probably because we're too lazy to stand in line.  A local Celtic band arrives with bagpipes and drums to serenade the patrons prior to the official blessing of the beer, so we leave the comfort of our seats since the band is set up at the far end of the parking lot, sort of close to the outside patrons but completely inaccessible to those of us stuck inside due to limited seating.

The day is a decent success except that there is muzak inside via speakers, so patrons stuck inside cannot hear the bagpipers.  Also, the brewery is out of my favorite beer: the Inky Depths porter.  However, the four of us make up for it all by cracking jokes and laughing, sometimes at ourselves and sometimes at others.  By the time we leave, my face and stomach are cramped from laughing so hard.

Regardless, when it all comes down to it, the party is a success, the day is a success, and friend time is a success.  Good thing we took the bishop's advice.