Monday, December 9, 2013


Well, the elf still lives, but he appears to be in hiding.  Yesterday Yukon on a Futon started the search.  We all know that it must be Yukon Cornelius to the rescue.  After all, he is the Greatest Prospector of the North.  But, alas, the elf escapes our clutches and is last seen in the Barbaros' Christmas tree.

So I head to my own tree to find help.  Let me tell you, this is no easy trick.  I put up some of the ornaments, but I also had some help from youngest son and his two pals.  I search high and low, far and wide (okay, not that far and wide - It's a medium-sized fake tree).  Nestled deep in the synthetic limbs I locate the red-haired dynamo.

Yes, yes.  If anyone can assist Yukon Cornelius, it is this guy.

Watch out, Elf.  We're coming for you.  And when we do find you, trust me: Nobody, and I do mean no body (wink wink nudge nudge) will find you.  So keep running little elf.  This next chalk outline is for you.


To thwart the Shelf Elf is our goal,
His evil is beyond control.
Instead we do find
A teeny behind
That belongs to the Troll in a Bowl.

Shelf Elf has an ugly dark soul,
And he smells like a cheese casserole.
He hides in the tree
Acting all Christmas-y,
But he's no match for Troll in a Bowl!

(Yes, the first time I saw the back of this ornament, I was equally disturbed.  You're welcome.)