Sunday, November 10, 2013


I stay inside all day Saturday.

I guess it is a choice, but mostly it is a necessity.  I have homework that needs to get done.

I start the day with a cup of tea.  I graze off and on as I pop back and forth between the Internet and Microsoft Office and my refrigerator.  The morning turns into afternoon, and the chilled air turns decidedly cold as the long shadows envelope the last bit of light by 4:45 p.m.  By 10:00 p.m. I have eaten quite a bit of the dip, finished off the last of the baked haddock, cooked and eaten zucchini chips, and eaten a few handfuls of Hershey's Kisses.  My tea has morphed into something a little more intolerable that requires a twist of lime.

As bedtime approaches, I am still wearing the sweatpants and tank top that I wore to bed the night before.  (I know, I know.  Stand back, everyone -- sexy pajamas coming through ... not.)  But my homework is almost done.  I may be full of crappy food and drink choices, and I may be slightly ripe in rumpled clothes, but the reading is done and the paper is mostly written.

Mission accomplished.

So, Saturday, we may have spent the whole day together working our collective asses off, and watching some reruns of NCIS and some Christmas movies and maybe a little Dances With Wolves (I'm not going to lie), and taking in the Bruins game on TV, and trolling the Internet.  But, Saturday, I cannot think of any day I'd rather have the option of being inside than on your day.

So, thanks, Saturday!  Except for that huge explosion that sounded like a cannon going off outside my window around 5:20 p.m. that I still have no flaming idea what it may have been, it has been a relatively uneventful day.

Now if you don't mind, my smelly self and I are going to roll into bed so the real weekend can start on Sunday morning.