Monday, November 26, 2012


My work backpack has become my new exercise routine.  I load it up with work, carry it around, never open it, carry everything back to work, and repeat this process nightly.  The only thing I am actually accomplishing is some weightlifting practice and some loosening of my rotator cuffs. 

Case in point - I brought work home with me on Wednesday before the Thanksgiving break.  That same work is still sitting in the backpack.  I did do some of my own homework, due Wednesday along with a revised portfolio due in a week, so it's not like I've been sitting idly watching nonexistent wet paint dry.  Plus we had a series of half days for conferences before the break, and I have spent the last eight school days juggling instruction and correcting papers until I was ready to pass out from exhaustion at my desk. 

But this does not excuse me from the constant routine of hauling home piles of work that I intend to correct … but never do.  It will get done during planning time and lunches and after school and sitting in meetings and between classes, I suppose, and it will take days longer than if I just sat at my kitchen table for hours on end and worked at it.

Truth be known, I didn't want to do it this past weekend.  I have been too busy with the holiday and travel and setting up Christmas and shopping and driving people around and on the hunt for the elusive (yet finally captured) tree skirt.  If it takes an extra few days to get essays returned, so be it.  Sue me.  Fire me.  Put me in front of a spitball firing squad. 

I simply cannot correct those papers at home.  I will have to carry them with me for a few days until new papers are collected with which to replace them.  After all, this is my exercise routine we're talking about.  If I catch up on everything, my arms will develop bat wings and my shoulders will droop.

Or I'll have to actually go to the gym.   Either way, the options are ugly.