Tuesday, January 3, 2017


In all the hubbub of the holiday season, I realize today while plugging in the tree (yes, it's still up and will remain up until at least the weekend) that I missed opening a couple of student gifts.  I tucked them next to the ottoman and completely forgot about them.

When I open them, I discover Hershey's Hugs -- the white chocolate ones -- which I promptly begin devouring, and some Godiva chocolates, which I do not devour because they're goddamned works of art and should not be molested.

I go back to work Tuesday after a well-deserved and much needed break, over which I did (no surprise here) schoolwork and correcting and planning and grades and copying and emailing coworkers and bosses.  I'm not complaining; I got to do this all from the comfort of my home while sipping mimosas.  But, still, going back to the grind has its positive (scheduled breaks) side and its negative (scheduled breaks) side.

Obviously, a student knows this about me because hidden in the bag with the Godiva chocolates is a small placard that stands by itself so I can put it right out on my desk Tuesday morning.  It's perfect.  The sentiment is exact, and it's going on display first thing.

It's perfect, it's appropriate, and, most of all, it's completely accurate.  Oh, well.  Back to work I go, but it's okay because I truly do hate people in general, and right now I hate mornings, too, so I suppose that must include morning people simply by osmosis.  Goodbye holiday break, hello daily grind. 

Bah.  Humbug!