Tuesday, January 10, 2017


I wasn't going to comment on the recent rash of Hollywood types attempting to indoctrinate the country into their warped, twisted world of debauchery by insulting everyday Americans.  Yeah, but I think I will.

I'm not talking about Meryl Streep.  I'm not talking about Mark Wahlberg.  I'm not talking about Oprah Winfrey.  I'm not talking about Chuck Woolery or Rosie O'Donnell or Ted Nugent or Miley Cyrus.  Honestly?  I don't give a flying fuck what any of them has to say.  I don't care if they kiss Trump.  I don't care if they lick Obama's rearend. 

I don't care if they threaten to leave the country because of a damn election.  LEAVE.  For the love of God, LEAVE already. 

You see, you actors and you musicians -- you still think you're relevant; you still think people care what you think and what you say and what movies you make and what songs you sing.  If you're one of the people who does still think anything anyone in the entertainment business has to say is remotely important or will change your own life, you're a straw man on a slippery slope.

The other day when the Hollywood sign became Hollyweed (not for the first time) ... Do you have any idea how well-policed that sign is?  That's a soft target for terrorists.  And yet, someone (anyone at all) got up onto that protected, policed hill and changed the sign over.  Hollywood, you are NOT invincible, and you are NOT relevant.  Nobody, not even the terror-watch, cares.

Do you want to know what rendered you irrelevant?  Technology.

Yes, technology.  Technology has already outsourced stunt people and make-up artists by going entirely green-screen and computer animation.  The big screen has already toyed with replacing actors with computer-generated imagery of actors.  Do you honestly believe people in the industry need you anymore?  High-powered producers and deal-makers and petulant actors, you're dinosaurs.

Don't believe me?  Look at television.  Remember when people like Aaron Spelling ruled Hollywood?  The Big Three (ABC, NBC, CBS)  ruled our lives and fed us propaganda via the Boob Tube.  Then, cable stations came along.  Anyone can run a television station now.  There is no Big Three anymore. 

And it's not limited to television.  I can watch dramas and comedies and what-have-you on my computer.  That's right -- HULU and ACORN and NETFLIX, to name a few.  I don't even need the frigging cable company anymore.  Imagine what will happen to that industry when people wise up.  Cable companies thought they were taking over the industry when they gained access to phone lines. 

Idiots, the lot of them. 

Wait until Verizon and Sprint realize that they can stream their own broadcasts, essentially take over the "cable" streams.  Already people are leaving the desk top industry behind, and soon the lap top industry will follow as we move toward tablets and expanded phone capabilities and product-based technology like Goggle Chromebooks. 

Who the hell needs a television anymore?  I watch more stuff via my computer than I do via television (except maybe sports).

We don't need Hollywood/Hollyweed anymore.  Computer animation creates perfectly acceptable actors all on its own.  Don't believe me?  Just peek at the latest video game animation and how realistic and interactive it is. 

We don't need the music industry anymore, either.  Seriously, how many of these recent flash-in-the-pan singers are only where they are thanks to studio auto-tuning?  Hell, we can create our own music.  Vox humanas and Moog Syntehsizers have been capable of it for decades.  Technology is finally catching up to them, not the other way around.  We don't need crack-heads and coke fiends and industry "insiders" making our music choices anymore.  Still doubt me?  Check out Sirrius and Pandora radio. 

Wake up, Los Angeles. We don't need you anymore, and, surprise, you don't run the damn country.  Hell, you don't even represent the damn country.

So, go ahead and spout your rhetoric (liberal, conservative, communist, fascists, libertarian -- I don't care).  But remember -- you are completely and totally expendable and replaceable.  It will happen, maybe not in Betty White's lifetime, but probably in mine.

Here's my one question to Hollywood -- Since you're all so passionate, will you house the illegals and the refugees and the poor and the sick and the suffering and the disenfranchised in your mansions when your gilded city collapses?

If your answer is no, shut the fuck up and go back to the rat hole from whence you crawled.  YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.  Take your useless, gilded figurines and your hideous fashion choices and understand that your time as the industry elite is rapidly heading toward the wall faster than crash test dummies hitting the concrete end wall.  A word to the wise, though: the more often you open your mouths, the faster you're sucking the life out of what's left of your crystal castle on the Hollyweed hill.