Monday, January 30, 2017



I have been waiting months for this.  Yes, more than mere weeks.  Months.

Finally, I have  a week with an open post-work schedule.

Oh, sure, I have a meeting on Monday and then I have to hit the grocery store.  There are a couple of small things like that.  However, I don't have to get to the doctor, nor to an eye appointment, nor do I need to have surgery, nor do I need to pick anyone up nor drop anyone off, I do not have to go out of state, I don't need to get to the post office.

I do not have any weekend obligations nor any evening obligations.  It's like ... it's like ... Christmas ... without all the work and hoopla. 

Don't get me wrong.  I love being social.  I like having my schedule in order.  I enjoy doing things and going places.

But, for crying out loud, it seems like I haven't had a break since August.  It's like Roseanne Roseannadanna: It's always something.  This week, it's a whole bunch of nothing.  May it remain so.  May everyone around me stay healthy and be safe, and the same to me. 

Please, let me not have cursed myself and others.  Oh, and Mother Nature, if you're listening, keep your damn Nor'easters to yourself.  I have this week to relax before February gears up and shits all over me, so keep your seasonal debauchery in check for the next seven days, if you don't mind.

Finally.  Let's see if it truly comes to pass.