Wednesday, January 18, 2017


Oh.  My.  God.  Shut.  Up.  Shut.  The.  Fuck.  Up.

I am so tired of hearing about this fucking election and this goddamned inauguration.  I am tired of hearing about marches.  I am tired of reading idiot tweets from the president-elect.  I am tired of mentally unstable left-wing communists claiming that we need martial law imposed.

Martial law?  MARTIAL LAW?  Are you fucking insane?  Seriously?  MARTIAL FUCKING LAW?  Do you even know what the fuck you're talking about?  What you're suggesting?

Listen up -- I do NOT need nor want to hear about your views on "golden showers" while I'm trying to eat my damn lunch.  SHUT.  THE.  FUCK.  UP.

We all have the right of free speech.  I guess this means that I cannot FORCE people to shut up, but please.  Please, please, please just for a minute, an hour, a day, or (in my wildest dreams) a week -- shut up for a week.  Holy crap, the world would be a better place if we could go one week without hearing about Hillary or Bernie or Trump or celebrities or Black Lives Matter or Blue Lives Matter or Russia or if we didn't have to see Putin's disgusting nipples.

The discussion has officially jumped the shark.  When this country starts throwing around words like "martial law" and people don't bat a fucking eyelash, I have officially awakened in Motherfucking Crazy Ass World.

Okay, I guess this rant proves that I'm just as bad as the rest.  Apparently, none of us is planning on shutting up any time soon.  On to plan #2 -- Send me earplugs.  Lots and lots of earplugs.  Oh, and some duct tape -- for my mouth and my typing fingers. Maybe, just maybe it will be a fashion trend that spreads.