Saturday, April 29, 2017


Why is it that I seem to be more tired than the students after state testing? I swear it's true: Teachers are exhausted after the state testing finishes. 

Sure, the kiddos do all the hard work, some to the point of putting their heads down on their desks and dozing off when it's all done.  True, all I have to do is pick up the materials, keep them locked and/or in my direct sight at all times, pass everything out, read the novel-length directions out loud, distribute all the pencils and accommodating materials, walk around constantly, remind students to bubble in the same number answer as question, monitor them from accidentally marking highlighter in the answer booklets, watch the clock, communicate with administration with updates on our progress, collect all materials, secure all materials, count all materials (including the pencils), return all the materials to the holding closet and count all materials again, and make the long walk to and from the test materials safe location twice a day.

How could I possibly feel like I've been through a marathon after two days of this?  I'll think about it while I'm sleeping at 7:00 p.m.  Do you think the neighbors would mind if I just fall asleep out on the patio still dressed in my teacher clothes?  I'm not even certain I have the strength to unlock my front door.  But, seriously, I don't do any heavy lifting during state testing, right?  Isn't that the word on the street?