Thursday, April 6, 2017


Blame me.  BLAME ME.

As soon as the recent snow starts (not finishes ... starts) melting, I haul my patio table outside.  First I sweep the entire patio, chucking errant branches out of my way, then I set up my seating area.  After I have the two chairs in place, I sit outside and enjoy a Spring Mimosa.

Of course, the very next day it rains and the temperature drops dangerously close to the snow meter, but I am confident.  After all, I didn't set up the whole patio.  The grill is still tucked away near the recycling bins, and the plastic chairs are still stacked next to the grill.

I'm not completely insane.  I know what happens the minute I get the patio ready for summer: BLIZZARD.  That's what happens.

It looks like it might work.  I hear rumor that the temperature on Tuesday will hit 80 degrees.  When (not if ... when) that happens, Spring Mimosa #2 will be served.